Consistency is key to achieving success in every aspect of our endeavors.

Consistency is Key: What It Means & How To Harness It

Prosper Yole (MD)
You may have heard it many times and you might be wondering what it means when they say ...
There are no accidents

There Are Really No Accidents. Here Is Why?

Prosper Yole (MD)
When you hear the phrase “there are no accidents”, it immediately comes to your mind that there is ...
A computer programmer

Learning with the Impossible Mind of A Computer Programmer

Prosper Yole (MD)
I wrote this a long time ago and published it here on Academia. Now, based on how useful ...

How To Keep Trying New Things in Your Life

Prosper Yole (MD)
Trying new things can be a very difficult task for many people. Not only can it require a ...
Door personality test

Door Personality Test: The Door You Choose Reveals Your Personality

Prosper Yole (MD)
You may have come across several personality tests before, or you may have seen this image personality test ...

Appear Weak When You are Strong: A Strategic Advantage

Prosper Yole (MD)
The adage “appear weak when you are strong” is a concept that has spanned several centuries with wide-ranging ...


What is dry sense of humor and how to develop it?

What is Dry Sense of Humor? Understanding Dry Humor

Have you heard about dry humor or dry sense of humor and you want to understand what they ...
How to turn obstacles into opportunity

9 Practical Ways to Turn Obstacles Into Opportunity

We have all heard at least one interesting story of someone who faced obstacles and turned them into ...
Essential stationery for home and office

10 Essential Stationery for Your Home and Office Needs

Have you ever been frustrated looking for a ruler in your home or office? How about when looking ...
what to do after a car accident

What to Do After a Car Accident: Essential Tips

No matter how experienced you might be as a driver, a car accident can rattle you to your ...


How to seduce your husband or boyfriend

7 Irresistible Ways to Seduce Your Husband and Turn Him On

Whether you are stuck in a rut or not, there are times when you want to subtly suggest ...
Love at first sight

Is Love at First Sight Real? The Truth According to Science

Despite the common portrayal of love at first sight in movies, we keep asking ourselves the same question, ...
steps to leave a toxic relationship

14 Effective Steps to Break Free from a Toxic Relationship

Breaking out of a toxic relationship is not as easy as many people think. People in toxic relationships, ...
Proposal hands ring

Reasons Your Boyfriend Is ‘Too Slow to Propose’ & What to Do

Are you worried that your boyfriend is too slow to propose? This post seeks to address your fears ...
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Health & Wellbeing

R21 malaria vaccine

Everything About Nigeria’s New Malaria Vaccine

It’s not unexpected that a malaria vaccine needed to be developed. The burden of malaria and its sequelae ...
How to do tepid sponge for your child

Tepid Sponging for Fever: Methods and Benefits Explained

Tepid sponging is a fast and effective way of reducing fever in children and adults. Also known as ...
How to stop biting your nails

4 Simple Home Hacks to Stop Biting Your Nails

Nail biting seems normal until you see how this habit makes your fingers unsightly and unattractive. The habit ...
Rainbow kiss meaning

Rainbow Kiss: Meaning, Risks, & Cultural Perspectives

The rainbow kiss meaning is something that has intrigued the internet in recent years. If you have never ...
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Achieving a sustainable business model

Steps to Achieve Zero Waste and Sustainability in Business

According to the European Commission, the total waste generated in the EU by all economic activities and households ...
what is your edge over other applicants

6 Things That Give You an Edge Over Other Applicants

If you have ever been in an interview where they asked you “What is the key thing about ...
How to improve your business credit scores

How to Improve Your Business Credit Score to Secure a Loan

For those with an entrepreneurial spirit, there’s nothing more exciting than starting your own business. But even when ...
financial management tools for every small business

8 Financial Management Tools Every Small Business Needs

Every great venture begins small until it grows into a large enterprise but this depends on how well ...
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Impact of Technical Innovations on Student Life & Learning

Modern society has witnessed an astronomical rise in the influence of technical innovations on various aspects of our ...
How to unlock your car when you are locked out.

7 Easy Ways To Unlock Your Car When You Are Locked Out

Have you ever found yourself locked out of your car when your keys are inside? You stand there ...
How technology influenced gaming

10 Ways Technology Has Influenced The Gaming World

Technology has played a significant role in influencing everything around us including the world of gaming as we ...
Low-code application development

Low-Code App Development & Why It’s So Important

Low-code app development or Low-code application development is a growing intervention that allows just anyone to develop applications ...