What is Love At First Sight and Is It Real?

Here is what you didn't know about love at first sight.

Love at first sight
Love at First Sight // iStockPhotos

A young beautiful girl in high school was holding a load of books in her elbows and walking toward the classroom when she mistakenly collided with one of the most handsome boys in the school. He immediately bent down to pick up the books and the girl did the same. Suddenly, both turn their heads up to look each other directly in the eyes. From that moment, they fell in love with each other.

That is the classical picture of love at first sight commonly painted in movies and plays. But is love at first sight real? How true and realistic is the fantasy of love at first sight?

Love at first sight is something many of us have come to believe. In this post, I will answer all the common questions regarding love at first sight and whether it is real or not.

What Is Love At First Sight?

Love at first sight is a common experience that happens to every one of us. At one point or another, we have encountered someone who instantly connected with us emotionally in a way that makes us want to start and sustain a romantic relationship with them.

Love at first sight is a kind of emotional connection that occurs at the first sight of someone you have never met before. Meeting such a person feels like you have known each other before or met somewhere before, except that it is only the first time.

This represents a significant experience for everyone showing the importance of mutual compatibility in the choice of who to marry. In a search for someone who understands you and perfectly fits with your flaws and imperfections, finding someone you naturally click with is something to be happy about.

However, love at first sight does not guarantee everlasting love, but it can help create a seamless beginning full of blissful moments without any struggles for compatibility.

Is Love At First Sight Real?

As mentioned earlier, love at first sight is a real phenomenon. We regularly meet people we naturally connect and fall in love with, and they feel the same about us.

Whatever they try to paint about love at first sight in the movies is real and has happened repeatedly. But it is not exactly as you imagined it to be.

Many people think love at first sight is a feeling of being in love with the typical butterfly in one’s belly or the lovey-dovey feeling. It is not. Love at first sight is a kind of attractiveness and genuine feelings you have for someone you have seen only a few times that makes you want to be close to them.

It also involves reciprocal affection from the other person, such that they feel the same way for you. This makes these experiences the best opportunities to find someone to settle down with.

A great majority of marriages started as love at first sight. Yours too may start that way, but it does not mean that marriages that didn’t start that way are any less. It doesn’t have to be someone new you just met.

Love at First Sight and Blissful Marriage

Love at first sight can afford a seamless transition from friendship into being in a relationship, and then into marriage but it alone is not a guarantee for a blissful marriage. A blissful marriage also requires commitment, maturity, patience, and understanding from both partners.

While love at first sight might make it look like a match made from heaven, both couples need to invest in the relationship down the line to have a blissful union. This is the same thing required even if the couple knew each other for a long time before falling in love with each other.

Important lessons to learn from love at first sight

  1. True love is more than just a feeling. It is the commitment to keep loving and never giving up.
  2. Love is beyond what you felt only at the initial moment. It transcends into what you hold on to even years later.
  3. A one-time rosy love affair can turn into a sore experience if love is not seriously nurtured by both partners.
  4. You get attracted to other people for several reasons. What determines the quality of the attraction is their behavior after some time. Understand the test of time instead of giving consent over mere love at first sight.
  5. Be patient with yourself to be sure you love someone before you conclude that you do.
  6. If you didn’t have the love-at-first-sight experience in your relationship, it does not make it fake or inferior to other people’s.


Love at first sight is real. If you have not experienced it, countless other people have including myself. Simply wait for your turn because if you live long enough, you will find someone who naturally connects with you in every way at the first meeting.

While love at first sight is a beautiful experience and seamless ground for a more lasting relationship/marriage, it does not solely guarantee peace and harmony in the home. Whether your marriage is via love at first sight or not, focus on staying committed and loving to your partner even after many years.

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Prosper Yole is a medical doctor, a seasoned writer and passionate blogger. He is the founder of Knowseeker.com. With many years of trials, failure, and near successes in areas of relationship, health, business & entrepreneurship, personal development, and content writing, he creates quality content that resonates well with his audience across the entire internet.

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