How To Find a Genuine Boyfriend and Win His Heart Fast

These tips will help you get your dream boyfriend faster than you once thought.

How to get a boyfriend
Credit: iStockphoto

I recently wrote an article on how to get a girlfriend and a female friend who saw the post jokingly requested that I also write on how to get a boyfriend too. I looked at the request and realized that it would make sense to do that as well.

I understand that at some point, one may feel desperate or pressured for a relationship or marriage. I know many girls who have tried to get a boyfriend so urgently but ended up getting used in the process without anything to show for it. This is one reason why I feel like showing you some helpful ways to find and get a genuine boyfriend who will give you lasting happiness.

Society does not favor women and girls playing an active role in getting a partner. They are just expected to do only a little and wait for a man to ask them out.

But aside from that, finding a partner is not so easy for anyone whether guys or ladies. But in this post, I will show you some great ways to not only find a good guy for you but also to win his heart, and make him your boyfriend and significant other.

How to find a boyfriend

Finding a boyfriend means you want to meet someone who can potentially become your boyfriend. While this will not automatically make them your boyfriend, it is a starting point for getting one.

The following steps will be useful in finding a boyfriend and eventually winning his heart to become your boyfriend.

1. Go out with friends

The number #1 thing to do to find a boyfriend is to loosen up a bit. Going out with friends shows that you are willing to open up yourself to meet new people.

You might not be physically attracted to guys around you but having a change of environment and going out to meet other people will open you to more options that may appeal to you.

Even though girls are not conventionally the ones to ask for a relationship or propose marriage, making yourself available and visible is the least you can do. And you should not hesitate to do so when you get the opportunity.

2. Signal to him that you like him

In the game of dating and relationships, there are nothing guys respond to better than subtle cues and green lights. The moment a guy sees a girl flashing signals at him, he naturally responds by making efforts to get closer to her as a potential girlfriend.

Interestingly, you don’t need to do so much to gain his attraction. Simply smiling at him, being kind as you would to anyone else, and stealing glances at him can signal him that you are interested in a relationship.

3. Put up your pictures

The honest truth about guys is that they are easily drawn to beauty. A guy is attracted to someone who he considers beautiful by his own standards.

When a guy likes you or feels like you are attracted to him, the first thing he wants to do is to check out how you look. In situations when he cannot see you physically every time, you should feed his eyes with pictures of you, especially on your social media platform.

The interesting thing about a guy’s desire to see you more often is that he wants to know for sure if he can settle with you at last. You don’t have to be the most beautiful girl (that’s if there is ever someone like that) but there is no point trying to hide yourself from a guy who might be interested in you.

4. Be open to friendship

I have seen girls that are only interested in romance and nothing else. They don’t even want to be friends because they think that is an unnecessary time-wasting.

You should be open to being friends with guys you meet on a daily basis. Don’t be too desperate to detest friendship. Being too desperate can make a potential guy uninterested in being your boyfriend.

5. Be seductive a bit

To find and get a boyfriend, you are going to have to learn to use your God-given gifts. I don’t mean this in a negative way but you need to learn how to show off your beauty and make a guy attracted to you.

You don’t have to dress naked or dance like a worm to be seductive. Just like the point on sending the right signals, seduction is simply about making a guy know that you are sexually attracted to him.

6. Be receptive

Girls generally maintain a level of pride and self-ego that makes them sometimes inaccessible to some guys. This kind of pride is good because it ensures that only confident and mature guys can access you.

But sometimes, some girls can become too selective in the guys they accept for friendship or anything else. They display that self-pride in excess when interacting with a guy they consider below their league as a way to discourage them.

Unfortunately, this excess self-ego and unhealthy preference will push away an interested guy who could potentially be your new boyfriend.

7. Ask him to clarify mixed signals

At every stage of finding a boyfriend, you need to know when to take it to the next level. Even though this lies more in the hands of the guy in a relationship, you can facilitate it as a lady.

As you both get closer to each other, the guy may not be fully invested in a relationship with you. He may like you but not exactly love you.

Before you get very close to him, you need to clarify those mixed feelings. Specifically, ask the guy questions about what he thinks about his friendship with you. That can give you an idea if you should go ahead to win his heart over or let him be.

8. Develop yourself

The last but one of the most important ways to find and get a boyfriend is by investing in your personal development. Learn self-composure, learn to look good, learn courtesy, and develop kindness and respect.

Girls who stand out in character and self-worth usually get more attention from potential guys. Developing yourself and these attributes is what makes you stand out from the crowd.

Lastly, finding a boyfriend literally means you are positioning yourself well enough for potential guys to find and approach you.

How to win your boyfriend’s heart and make him to love you

The next important step after finding someone with whom you share great connections and attraction is to win his heart. After this, you can confidently say that he is your boyfriend.

It is usually the guy that makes efforts to win a lady’s heart but there are some things you can do to make him come at you directly to love you. Let’s see some of the things you can do to get your boyfriend to love you deeply.

1. Show care

When you are still in the talking stage with your boyfriend, anything can happen. You cannot fully say that he is your boyfriend, at least, not yet.

To show that you are ready to be with him, show him care and genuine concern. Guys love a lady who is interested in their well-being.

Little gestures and acts of care matter a lot. These can make the difference between who a guy eventually gets serious with from who he leaves. If you think you like him and you know he likes you too, genuinely care for his needs and he will put in more effort to make you his.

2. Be respectful

We all know respect is reciprocal; that is, we all need to show respect to each other. But then, being respectful is one way you can make your potential boyfriend see you as a rare gem he needs to quickly invest in.

A guy can see your level of respect in your interactions with him, and how you treat other people on a daily basis. Respect is the simple act of acknowledging and regarding other people, and also yourself.

People easily lose this virtue called respect. Thus, when you are respectful, your guy will see you as kind and valuable. The good thing is, you can learn to be more respectful even if you are not.

3. Be yourself

The goal of finding and getting a boyfriend is that you want to be with someone who knows you and in whom you can deeply confide. This is the more reason you should avoid unfounded pretense.

Pretending to be what you are not, or acting too careful to save your face is not going to take you anywhere with him. If a guy feels like he does not know you well enough, he cannot commit to taking the relationship to the next level.

You just have to let him know you and for who you truly are. He might or might be okay with it but that’s better than keeping him in the dark and expecting him to fall for it. The most beautiful thing about us humans is that we generally love people who are real even if they do not have the best ideologies or behaviour.

4. Understand his love language

Every ship, no matter how big it is, has its control. A person’s love language is the way you communicate with and control anyone emotionally.

There are 5 love languages, according to Gary Chapman, and understanding someone’s dominant love language can make a whole lot of difference. These love languages include physical touch, receiving gifts, quality time, words of affirmation, and acts of service.

You should make efforts to understand which of the above is/are the dominant love language(s) of your partner and consistently do it for them. For example, regularly giving your boyfriend a gift when you know that receiving gifts is his primary love language can make him fall hopelessly in love with you.

5. Reciprocate his feelings

When you see that your new boyfriend is building his feelings for you, don’t act too cold if you want to win his heart. Reciprocate his feelings instead.

There is only a limit to which a guy can chase a girl, particularly if he is not so desperate and if he has something keeping him busy in his life. When you make the chase too difficult and unrealistic, he will back down and never return easily if at all.

6. Break out of the friend zone

Many relationships progress from pure friendship into more serious relationships. As friends, you get to know yourself better and love yourself purely with no strings attached.

Friendship helps mask romantic love and allows pure love to flow between the partners. This helps to create a stronger bond of love now and even in the future if they progress into dating or marriage.

While friendship is a beautiful thing, many people do not know how to break out of the friendship stage even when they like each other. It is important to know when to break out of the friend zone.

Breaking out of the friend zone involves acting more romantic with your partner when you are ready to stop being just friends. This can spark up the romantic interest between you and your boyfriend.

7. Don’t put sex first

To think that you can win your boyfriend’s heart over by offering him sex is one of the most erroneous ideologies I have come to see in recent times. Sex can keep a man for as long as he is still thrilled by it but when the feelings quieten down, sex alone cannot keep you.

Your potential boyfriend might demand sex with you. You can give him sex if you personally want to do it with him but not because you want to use that to keep him. That does not work.

I personally recommend you don’t give sex to someone who is not married to you. This is because sex can make the relationship lose value quickly and after that, you will end up being severely hurt when the relationship eventually breaks.

Last words

Finding and getting your boyfriend to love you is not such a difficult thing as you have seen. These simple steps can help you get a boyfriend faster than you imagined.

Prosper Yole is a medical doctor, a seasoned writer and passionate blogger. He is the founder of With many years of trials, failure, and near successes in areas of relationship, health, business & entrepreneurship, personal development, and content writing, he creates quality content that resonates well with his audience across the entire internet.

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1 year ago

What if your love language is money and he doesn’t give it to you.what will you do

1 year ago

What if you win his heart, and he has the money but don’t want to release it.and he knows that money is your love language?