10 Recipes For a Healthy Relationship With Your Lover

Here are 10 recipes you need to know to build and maintain a healthy relationship with your partner.

How to build a healthy relationship with your lover
A couple of friends stretching to do physical exercises // iStockPhoto

If you want to have a healthy and sweet relationship with your lover, you have to understand these basic tips. Every romantic relationship has its needs and wants. One’s ability to understand them and meet/satisfy them in your partner is what makes the difference between one relationship and another’s.

After many years of studying relationships and interacting with different people, I have a list of some key recipes for the healthiest and most fulfilling relationship ever with your romantic partner. While different people have different primary relationship needs, these basic needs cut across all romantic relationships.

A healthy relationship is non-toxic, fun-filled, and gives happiness to both partners involved. Here, you will see some ways to have a healthy relationship with your romantic partner.

Why Prioritize A Healthy Relationship?

If for no other benefits, here are some reasons you should prioritize a healthy and blissful relationship. I can tell you that the benefits are inexhaustible but just to mention a few;

  1. A healthy relationship brings happiness to both partners.
  2. A healthy relationship prevents intruders from coming between both partners.
  3. It brings satisfaction to the partners.
  4. It creates a good environment for personal and collective success.
  5. It creates a healthy atmosphere for nurturing children.

The benefits of a healthy relationship cannot be over-emphasized. This is in contrast to a toxic relationship that brings unhappiness, dissatisfaction, and disunity to both partners.

Recipes For a Healthy Relationship With Your Partner

No matter your perceived differences with your partner, you can build a healthy relationship with him/her by following these recipes. Creating a blissful union takes a lifelong commitment to doing the right things, and by the right things, I mean the following tips below.

1. Effective communication

Effective communication is an important recipe for a healthy relationship with your partner. It is the bedrock for building trust and understanding in a relationship.

Communication involves an openness to talk to your partner concerning your needs, wants, challenges, difficulties, and plans. It’s a way of ‘being on the same page’ in a relationship, and the importance of communication cannot be over-emphasized.

To have a healthy and pleasant relationship with your partner, you should prioritize effective communication. Avoid leaving things to your partner’s imagination when you can just discuss it with them. As small as this may seem, it is a game-changer when it comes to creating a haven where you can find peace and happiness with your partner.

2. Be understanding

Understanding is the quality of knowing your partner’s good intentions and not necessarily their acts alone. Understanding is the quality of knowing who someone truly is on the inside.

With understanding, you can have a perfectly healthy relationship with your partner. No matter how many differences exist, both in behavior and way of doing things, you naturally know that your partner has your best intentions in mind. That way, you keep loving them and enjoying the relationship as it should be.

3. Practice tolerance

This is another important way to have a blissful, sweet, and romantic relationship with your partner. It is the realization that no one is perfect and you won’t find someone who is perfect without any flaws. Tolerance comes from ignoring subtle errors and not being too critical of your partner’s behaviors and actions.

Being tolerant can make you enjoy your relationship with your partner without having too many fights and struggles. And if both of you build tolerance together, your relationship will be healthier, happier, and more peaceful.

4. Develop empathy

Empathy is another recipe you must develop for a healthy relationship with your partner. It is the ability to experience another person’s feelings as if they were your own. In other words, it means “being in another person’s shoes”.

Having empathy for each other brings you closer and gives you the feeling of being cared for. It prevents you and your partner from feeling that either of you is living in his/her own world without caring for the other’s feelings and emotions.

Empathy also makes you understand what would offend your partner and avoid it while focusing on doing things that make him/her happier. That way, it creates a healthy environment for love, peace, and harmony.

5. Sustain intimacy

The place of physical intimacy cannot be over-emphasized in every romantic relationship. Everyone wants to feel connected and intimate. That is one of the basic needs of every relationship.

Intimacy can come in different forms; it could be physical/sexual intimacy, emotional intimacy, or spiritual intimacy. Either way, you and your partner want someone who understands their deep needs even before they ask. And not just understanding it but also knowing how to meet that need as well.

6. Compassion

Compassion can be seen as an offshoot of empathy. It is a natural sign of love and affection for your partner because when you love your partner, you would not be comfortable seeing him/her going through hurt.

Compassion spurs you to take action when your partner is hurt. This makes them love you even more, and reciprocate the same to you. When compassion abounds in the relationship, it makes it a healthy and safe haven for both of you.

7. Practice self-love

Talking about building a healthy non-toxic relationship, you can’t give what you don’t have. And you can’t make demands for something you don’t know you deserve. You deserve love and you first have to treat yourself.

Self-love is not selfishness as some people would think. It is being able to understand yourself well enough to know when you need to recharge or take care of yourself, especially because different stressors come to us on a daily basis.

When you take care of yourself, you are in a better position to extend your love to others. This is why you must prioritize self-love in your relationship. Avoid making your relationship only about pleasing your partner without taking care of yourself as well. That can make the environment toxic for you.

8. Build trust

Trust is more than just anything, it is a currency. Trust can grant you access to some things money could not, and it is also one major ingredient for a healthy relationship. Lack of trust is one of the major causes of problems in most relationships.

Trust in a relationship helps get rid of unhealthy jealousy, over-thinking, and unnecessary assumptions that can create more problems in the relationship. Trust also helps eliminate external influences that can bring serious issues into your relationship, thus, making the relationship with your partner more habitable and blissful.

One way to build trust is by being honest in your relationship. And remember, it is easier to break trust than to build it, so you must constantly do all it takes to create an atmosphere of trust in your relationship.

9. Compliment and complement each other

This is a two-in-one recipe for a healthy relationship with your partner. Complimenting your partner means you have to appreciate your partner for being who they are and for what they do in the relationship. When you appreciate each other, you are motivated to continue enjoying life together, when compared to a life of nagging and perpetual dissatisfaction with your partner.

Complementing means you should focus on adding value to their lives, especially focusing on areas where they may be deficient. For example, does your partner hate to do the laundry but prefers to mow the garden? The activities they don’t like to engage in may be your specialty. So, you should focus more on complementing each other rather than complaining every time.

Both complimenting and complementing emphasize acknowledging the differences between you and your partner and appreciating/accepting your partner for who he/she is.

10. Grow with your partner

No matter how perfect you are made for each other, we all experience change in every union. Not only is the relationship changing, the people in the relationship are also changing by the day. This is why you need to grow with your partner and the relationship.

You need to learn to catch up on your partner’s growth in the relationship. Follow up on changes in their behaviors, preferences, needs, and values, so they don’t take you by any surprises. Once this is put in place, many arguments and disagreements that many couples experience would not be in the first place.

Other Tips for Having a Healthy Relationship With Your Partner

  1. Work together.
  2. Exercise together.
  3. Plan together.
  4. Go out together.
  5. Be on the same side in every argument.

These tips enhance togetherness and unity, helping to keep the bond stronger with your partner.

Factors Affecting The Health of A Relationship With Your Partner

Several factors affect the peace and health of a relationship. These factors could be related to the nature of the relationship, as well as the behavior of the partners in it.

  1. Commitment: The level of commitment from you and your partner can affect the quality of the relationship. Though we have discussed the recipes for a healthy relationship with your partner, it is important to note that it requires a mutual commitment to create such a blissful experience in the relationship.
  2. Expectations of either or both partners in the relationship: Dissatisfaction can set in when you have very high expectations from the relationship but you don’t see those expectations manifesting.
  3. Previous relationship experiences: Being in a previous toxic relationship can affect your expectations in your new relationship. Sometimes, that can affect your trust and faith in your partner. It may also undermine your sense of self-care as you might begin to think it is normal to be abused in the relationship.
  4. Involvement of a third party: A third party in a relationship usually does more harm than good, especially when the third party is not sensitive to personal boundaries, or does not know how to mediate between people without taking sides. You should always try to keep a third party from your relationship as much as possible.
  5. Willingness to discuss: Having a peaceful conversation about certain issues in a relationship can create an environment for improvement and resolution of existing issues. However, some people might feel too uncomfortable having such discussions but that should not be the case if you want a progressive relationship with your partner.

Final words

A healthy relationship filled with happiness, love, and peace is the hallmark of every romantic relationship. It requires a lifelong effort to build such a relationship with your partner but with these recipes, you can achieve a healthy and loving relationship with your partner easily.

Prosper Yole is a medical doctor, a seasoned writer and passionate blogger. He is the founder of Knowseeker.com. With many years of trials, failure, and near successes in areas of relationship, health, business & entrepreneurship, personal development, and content writing, he creates quality content that resonates well with his audience across the entire internet.

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