7 Simple But Effective Tips To Seduce Your Man

If you think you need more of your man's attention, here are some simple tips to make him come hungry for you.

How to seduce your husband or boyfriend
Seductive woman in a red dress // iStockPhotos

Are you worried that your boyfriend or husband is getting sexually cold towards you lately and you need to spice things up a bit? Do you think you need more of his attention but can’t seem to get it any other way? Or maybe you feel a serious urge to rekindle your sexual life together…

Seducing your man becomes a very important thing to do in any of the above scenarios. But thankfully, it is not so hard to seductively get your man’s attention when you need to.

Several reasons could account for your man’s reduced sexual appeal but you must realize that despite what the reasons are, with the right words and actions, you can romantically get your man back desiring to satisfy you once again.

Reasons Your Man is Losing Interest in You

If your man is drawing away from you, it could be due to one or more of the following reasons. Successfully seducing your man requires you to understand these reasons and to take appropriate actions in arousing your man’s sexual interest in you once more.

1. Unhappiness

If your man is unhappy with you for doing something he does not like, this can make him gradually get drawn away from you, especially after he has discussed the problem with you but you are unwilling to listen to him.

2. Sexual deprival

Depriving your husband from satisfying his sexual needs with you in the name of being tired or not in the mood can make him lose sexual interest in you if you persistently do so.

3. Unsatisfied hero instinct

I earlier discussed the concept of the Hero Instinct as described by James Bauer. Not satisfying your man’s hero instinct can make him lose sexual interest in you. This involves appreciating, showing that you need him, and caring for his needs.

4. Stress

Not all reasons why a man loses sexual interest in you are related to your behavior towards him. It could also be related to stress from work or stress from outside. Stress can affect a man’s libido, cause erectile dysfunction, and also make him less interested in sex or interactions.

5. Performance anxiety

Performance anxiety is another reason why your man could be losing interest in you sexually. It has to do with having a feeling of not being able to satisfy a woman in bed. This feeling can affect your man’s self-confidence and he would prefer to avoid sexual contact with you instead.

6. Depressing experiences

Having depressing experiences at work can affect a man’s interest in his woman, as he might simply want to find other ways to cool off his depression. However, even if he doesn’t open up to you, you have to find a way to elevate his mood and make him focus less on the depressing experiences.

7. A medical condition

Other medical illnesses can affect a man’s interest in his woman. These include chronic conditions like hypertension, diabetes, cancer, etc. Your man should see a doctor when he has any strange symptoms in addition to the feeling of disinterestedness in you.

Ways To Seduce Your Man

There could be a thousand and one reasons why a man would suddenly lose interest in his woman but let’s now focus more on ways to seduce your man and get back his attention.

These tips you will see are about getting a man’s attention and making him think that you are sexually available to him. Remember, seducing a man is about opening up to your vulnerabilities and letting him know that you are open to him.

As a man, I’d tell you that these tips here would work to seduce your man when you need to feel close to him more than ever.

1. Use your body language

Seducing a man is about sending the impression that you are ready to be pounced upon without coming too directly. Learning to use your body language thus becomes an important tip in seducing your husband or boyfriend.

As implied, your body language is your way of expressing yourself only with your body without saying a word. It is like acting out your thoughts without saying them out.

For instance, making body movements that suggest that you are soft and fragile expresses your vulnerability to your man and seduces him to come closer to you. Such movements can include moving your arms to vulnerable parts of your body or arching your body forward in front of him.

Make gestures to make him see those features on your body that makes him think you want ‘something’. Arching your back while bending forward is also another inviting gesture that can be used to seduce your husband when you need him.

Don’t forget that body language also involves how you control your eyes, your smiles, and your whole body in general. You don’t want to make it too obvious that you are seeking his attention.

But remember, seducing your partner using your body language involves letting him know with your body that are in the mood to get loved and caressed.

2. Dressing seductively

Psychologically, men are more attracted to women who wear red, or maybe black. Your man can’t help being drawn to you if you select these colors well. But the major reason why that is so is because these colors portray confidence in a woman who wears them.

Also, wear clothes that highlight your figure in a way that suggests that you are not trying to hide yourself. Remember the primary goal of seduction: to make your man know that you are at a point of openness and vulnerability.

The one that usually gets me is when she wears a sleeveless ready-to-wear dress with hanging loops over either shoulders. Let the dress reveal parts of the breast and upper back while the arms and forearms remain uncovered. To further express your intention to seduce him, allow one of the dress loops slightly slide down towards the upper arm, and then make him to see it.

In other words, the most important component to make your dress look seductive to your man is displaying confidence alongside your looks. Act like you believe in yourself so much, which of course, you do. And don’t worry about over-dressing even if you do not have plans to leave the house.

3. Wear a soft and fruity perfume

Perfumes with fruity notes have been shown to have seductive effects on men when used by potential mates. Among these, Vanilla ranks very high as a fragrance that captures a man’s attention in a very seductive way. Others include citrus notes like orange and bergamot which have been shown to instantly boost his blood flow and create interest.

Scents generally have a seductive effect on the opposite sex, and how you scent matters so much in attracting your partner to you. Thus, investing in a good perfume will come in handy when you want to hook up your man into trying to get you.

4. Touch him provocatively

He is your man; you have to be expressive with him and to do it rightly. One easy and effective to seduce your man to make him know that you want to spend quality time with you is by touching him in areas where you want to be touched.

Gently rub around his shoulders, upper arm, chest, and palms. These will signal his ‘seventh sense’ that you want something more this time. But remember to be subtle and not touch him too long. Initiate the process and allow him to take it to the finishing line.

Apart from using your hands to touch him, you may also try to touch his body with other parts of your skin and body. Planting a kiss on his forehead unannounced or rubbing your chest or breast against his arm and back will do a lot of ‘damage’ to his self-control than you ever imagined.

5. Send him a romantic picture or text

Distance is not a barrier in seducing your man when he is away. You can still express yourself and your vulnerability to him via SMS or pictures. Indeed, you can’t sendyour perfume scent via mobile communication but you can make a picture of you giving a suggestive gesture or wearing a seductive dress.

The same can be done via text. Simply describe yourself in a vulnerable state, highlighting somethings you think your man will love to hear.

Even when he is away, sending him pictorial and text cues can remind him of hist sexual escapades with you and make him to want to come and have another taste of his sexual adventures.

6. Use your hair

Undone and loose hair is considered a highly seductive feature in a woman. Caring for your hair is important if you want to preserve its power of seduction.

To let your man know or think that you want to get vulnerable with him, let your hair hang neatly and loosely through its entire length. Men are more attracted to long hair than shorter hair.

If you have a naturally short hair, take care of it to keep it healthy and at its longest length. Going to the hair salon to get your hair done can also add to the perceived seductiveness for your man.

Other Things To Make Your Man Interested

Having established that other causes could be responsible for your man’s loss of interest in you, it is important to proffer solutions to those things as well.

For example, you might want to settle all unresolved conflicts with your husband or boyfriend even if it means having to apologize for what you may have done to offend him. Lift his spirit with encouraging words if he looks depressed and unhappy, and encourage him to see the doctor if he has a poorly treated underlying medical condition that is responsible for his loss of sexual interest in you.

Also work towards triggering his hero instinct by appreciating him, complimenting him, and making him feel needed by you.

Prosper Yole is a medical doctor, a seasoned writer and passionate blogger. He is the founder of Knowseeker.com. With many years of trials, failure, and near successes in areas of relationship, health, business & entrepreneurship, personal development, and content writing, he creates quality content that resonates well with his audience across the entire internet.

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