Top 20 Undeniable Traits That Make You a Good Person

Being a good person is not as hard as you think it is. You are a good person if you have any of these traits.

Traits you are a good person
Young person helping a senior woman; iStockphotos

While the world has several definitions for who a good person is, here are some undeniable traits that make you a good person. Maybe you have evaluated yourself and found out some behaviors you need to work on, or some “good traits” you need to acquire.

One of the compliments you will ever get is being told that you are a nice person. Not everyone gets to hear that often. And while being a good person might not always be a pleasant reality, being a good person has countless benefits. And if you feel you need to be seen as a good person, then these undeniable traits will be helpful indeed.

Everyone has the quality of goodness within them. This article will show you some of the topmost traits that can make you the nicest person you could ever be.

Top 20 Undeniable Traits That Make You a Good Person

It’s easy to spot a genuinely good person from a distance because of the undeniable traits they exhibit.

A good person brings good radiance to everyone they encounter. This does not necessarily imply that you don’t get to cause trouble sometimes if you are a good person, but these undeniable traits are important in defining who a good person is.

Let’s see the top 20 undeniable traits you are a good person. I don’t see any definition of a nice person without these elements.

1. You are honest

Being a good person is not a mere title conferred for doing nothing. Being honest is one quality that qualifies you as a good person. A good person is mild and truthful at all times. While they will try not to be too blunt in their remarks, you can guarantee that they will tell the truth if they ever decide to open their mouth to speak.

2. You compliment others

The goodness of a good person spills from the inside of their soul. They see others as deserving of every “goodness” and this makes them always display the traits that make them who they are.

A good person enjoys lifting others up and is excited at the success of others. People deserve to hear compliments and once “a good person” realizes the power of compliments in giving joy to people, they don’t hold it back no more.

3. You have good manners

Little gestures like asking to take the bag from an elderly man close by are what the world needs right now. While many people are caught up in the bustles of daily living, good people do their best not to allow the worries of life to get in their way of showing kindness.

4. You are very forgiving

We all know that forgiveness can be difficult, especially when you are deeply hurt. It can feel very justifiable not to forgive sometimes but as undeserving as it might seem, good people realize that everyone deserves a second chance, or maybe a few chances.

But this is not to say that you can continue to trample on them because of their heart of forgiveness. Once a good person sees you as toxic, they will stay clear from you because toxicity defies what they live for.

5. You are patient

Not everyone is as fast as you want. Not everyone does the job perfectly on the first try. Good people have learned that they need to be patient with everyone they are working with. And if your boss is a good person

6. You are generous

Do you ever imagine that someone can afford to give out the only thing they have if it makes a huge difference in the life of someone else? Amazingly, nice people are that generous. Generosity without expecting anything in return is one important trait that can bring out goodness in you.

7. You are thoughtful

While others will be so carried away by their own affairs, needs, and wants, good people also factor in other people in their actions. You are a good person if you consistently think about what will benefit everyone, and not just you alone.

8. You show interest in other people

Everyone has the quality of goodness within them. You begin to express your own “goodness” when you show interest in other people. A good person is genuinely interested in helping someone even if that might take a quarter of their time, effort, or money.

9. You show gratitude

I see that the ultimate goal of a good person is to spread goodness from one person to another. When you do something good for them or for someone around them, they appreciate you sincerely. Doing good is what appeals to them the most and by so doing, you touch the very core of their soul.

10. You are humble

Humility is one undeniable trait of a good person. Nice people realize that everyone is important and valuable. While they know their strengths and weaknesses, they appreciate the capability and sufficiency of everyone else. This keeps them humble, one more important trait that makes you say one is a good person.

11. You easily make friends

Who wouldn’t want to be friends with a good person? No one would resist a friendship request with a good person because of the subtle way they can make your life better. They are an addition to your life. But as cool as they may be, good people still have a way of expressing that you are the one doing them a favor by being friends with them.

12. You show empathy

Empathy is the quality of being able to put yourself in other people’s shoes. Nice people listen carefully to understand the perspective of other people before reacting or commenting. Instead of critically condemning someone, a good person would ask, “why did he do it?” The goal is to understand other people better instead of being overtly judgmental.

13. You accept their mistakes

Being a nice person does not necessarily equate to being perfect. Good people recognize that they make mistakes too, and they are willing to own up to their mistakes if pointed out to them in a polite way.

14. You are fair in their dealings

The understanding that everyone deserves to be treated well makes good people remain fair in their dealings with people. It might upset some people who desire to exploit other people. Fairness and justice cannot be separated from a nice person, otherwise, you cannot actually be referred to as good.

15. You are positive minded

While people see the negative side, you always look at the bright side. This makes your heart remain positive at all times, thus preserving your internal reserve of tolerance, kindness, and goodness.

16. You display integrity

Integrity is what makes you stay steadfast against every opposition to your good deeds. People might want to tell you that you are being too nice but you find a way to uphold what you believe to be right irrespective.

17. You are kindhearted

Kindness is another important trait of a good person. You cannot be described as being good without possessing the quality of kindness.

18. You are selfless and sacrificial

If you are to count the number of good people in the world, they will be relatively very few indeed. This is large because very few people are selfless in their dealings. Everyone has ulterior motives but nice people separate themselves by being selfless and sacrificial.

19. You are genuine

You find that you hate to pretend to be what you are not. You would rather work towards becoming what you desire to be described as, instead of pretending your way through. Why pretend to be a good person when you can actually be a good person?

20. You are nice to themselves

The kindness the good people show on the outside is an overflow of what they experience on the inside. So, to be able to keep showing goodness and kindness, they know well enough that they first need to be kind to themselves.

Many of the traits displayed by good people are mechanisms to stay kind to their own selves. For example, you would rather forgive someone who offends you than keep enmity with them and hurt yourself in the process. In other words, you have to love yourself to be able to love another.

Benefits of being a Good Person

Being a good person is different from doing something good occasionally. Being a good person means you are consistently good at any time of the day. You don’t always get benefits from being good but here are some noteworthy benefits of being a good person.

  1. People favor you when you least expect it.
  2. You have a good reputation.
  3. Being good can save you from some mishaps you are not even aware of.
  4. Good things come to you.
  5. Your mind is fruitful and productive because you always think positively.
  6. You have many good friends who genuinely care about you.
  7. People trust you more.
  8. You are at peace with yourself.
  9. You worry less and this can benefit your general health and immune system.
  10. You have an inner sense of satisfaction in life.

Disadvantages of being a Good Person

As much as there are many benefits to being a good person, there are also some disadvantages too. As a matter of fact, most people readily agree that “being nice or good does not pay”. This often stems from the negative experiences they have had in a bid to stay nice.

Here are some disadvantages you may encounter as a good person.

  1. You don’t get appreciated enough.
  2. Sometimes, people take your kindness for granted.
  3. Your good heart may be abused.
  4. Even the people you are being nice to can turn back to hurt or betray you.
  5. You may become too nice and hurt yourself in the process.

These are just a few advantages and disadvantages of being a nice person. However, the aim is to instill in every reader, the qualities of being a good person. The world needs more good people and goodness is already found in every one of us. Circumstances and negative experiences will only come to try to take that away from us.

Final words

Perhaps you are thinking that you are not good enough but I have come to show you two things; first, the top and important attributes that make you a good person, and second, how and why you should unleash the goodness inside of you.

You inherently possess the qualities of goodness. You simply need to develop, un-repress, or bring them to the limelight. That begins by understanding these undeniable traits of a good person in this post and working to develop them in your own life.

Don’t forget that being a good person can open you up to a life of happiness through the numerous benefits of being a good person.

Prosper Yole is a medical doctor, a seasoned writer and passionate blogger. He is the founder of With many years of trials, failure, and near successes in areas of relationship, health, business & entrepreneurship, personal development, and content writing, he creates quality content that resonates well with his audience across the entire internet.

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