Sexual Health & Fertility Benefits of Drinking Clove Water

Clove water is clove extracted in an aqueous solution. It has shown several sexual health and fertility benefits as you will see below.

Sexual and fertility benefits of cloves
Cloves; Source:

The clove plant (Syzygium aromaticum) is a spice plant native to Indonesia but is now cultured in several parts of the world including Brazil, the United States, and Africa.

It belongs to the family Myrtaceae and it is called by different names in many parts of the world. For example, in Nigeria, it is known as kanafuru in the Yoruba language, and most people call it Zobo pepper.

Extracts from the clove plant have seen several uses as food a preservative, a spice, and for medicinal purposes. Drinking clove water has been found to have reproductive health benefits as well as enhance sexual health.

Clove is rich in phenolic compounds such as eugenol, eugenol acetate, and gallic acid, which have great potential for pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and dietary applications.

Clove water is clove water soaked in water for at least 24 hours, or clove leaves boiled in water. This causes the essential chemicals of clove plants to leach into the water in aqueous form. These chemicals can also be extracted as clove oil.

Many sources and individuals have reported the following sexual health and fertility benefits of clove water as documented below.

Sexual health benefits of drinking clove water

Sexual health includes a sense of sexual competence to perform, as well as freedom from sexual dysfunction and sexually transmitted diseases.

In this regard, the sexual health benefits of drinking clove water will be related to issues involving sexual performance, libido, erectile dysfunction, menstrual health, and so on.

1. Boost libido in men

Clove extracts have been experimentally found to boost libido in mice. Drinking clove water may help boost libido in men.

Libido-enhancing effects of drinking clove water or using its oil extract can be attributed to the ethanolic acid component in the clove plant. This was supported by a study showing the aphrodisiac (libido-enhancing) effects of clove and its traditional usage in sexual disorders.[1]Effect of 50% ethanolic extract of Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. & Perry. (clove) on sexual behaviour of normal male rats – PMC

2. Boost ovulation in women

Drinking clove water extract can enhance fertility in women through its effects in boosting ovulation. Studies have shown that drinking clove water extract can enhance the body’s production of LH (Luteinizing Hormone), a hormone responsible for ovulation, as well as some other reproductive hormones like FSH and testosterone.[2]Effect of Syzygium aromaticum (clove) extract on
morphine withdrawal side effect in male reproductive system – Physiology and Pharmacology Journal

Infertility resulting from anovulation (lack of ovulation or egg release) can therefore be potentially treated using clove extract.

3. Treatment of premature ejaculation

Clove water extract can also increase testosterone levels in the body. Testosterone is the principal libido enhancer in men and women. It can also help tackle the problem of premature ejaculation in men.

Clove water has also been reported to help men with erectile dysfunction to last longer in bed during sex with their partner.

4. Improve sperm count and motility

Drinking clove water can also help improve sperm count. This is due to its effect of increasing the level of testosterone in the blood. Testosterone is the principal hormone responsible for sperm production and function.

5. Treatment of PCOS

PCOS means Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. It is a gynaecological condition where cysts (fluid-filled) spaces are formed on a woman’s ovaries.

PCOS causes a reduction in the level of female sex hormones like oestrogen and progesterone. This can affect her sexual performance and fertility.

A study has shown that low doses of clove, as could be obtained by drinking clove water, could help improve PCOS in women.[3]The Effects of Clove Oil on The Biochemical and Histological Parameters, and Autophagy Markers in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome-Model Rats – PMC

6. Menstrual irregularities

Menstrual irregularities can be due to an imbalance in the female sex hormones (LH, FSH, Oestrogen, and Progesterone). Due to its effect in enhancing the secretion of these hormones, drinking clove water may help regulate a woman’s menstrual cycle.

Some women with an absence of menstruation have reported having their menstrual flow restored after drinking clove water (water-clove extract) every morning and evening.

7. Relief from severe menstrual cramps

Clove oil containing eugenol has been shown to give fast relief from menstrual cramps and shorten the duration of menstruation. This essential also limits excessive menstrual bleeding in women with heavy and severely painful menstrual bleeds.

Fertility benefits of drinking clove water

Drinking clove water has also been reported to have some fertility benefits for couples who are desirous to have children.

For example, due to the effect of clove water/extracts in enhancing ovulation, can help to treat infertility if the primary cause is due to anovulation (lack of ovulation).

Drinking clove water is also believed to cause twinning and multiple conception. However, these claims about fertility and multiple conception have not been medically or scientifically proven.

Frequently Asked Questions about drinking clove water

1. Is it safe to drink clove water during menstruation?

It is safe to drink clove water during menstruation as it does not contain any chemical compounds that can negatively interfere with menstruation. It can also help relieve menstrual pain and flow.

2. Can clove prevent pregnancy?

Clove cannot prevent pregnancy when taken before or after sex. There is no evidence to suggest that clove interferes with sperm function and viability of the woman’s egg and ovary.

3. Can I drink clove water every day continuously?

Clove water is not tea and should only be consumed when needed. If you are not getting improvement in any condition for which you are drinking clove water, you should consider seeing the doctor.

4. Are there side effects of drinking clove water?

There are no documented side effects of clove water. Caution should however be taken when drinking clove water during pregnancy, especially when it is mixed with other plant extracts and alcohol.

5. How long can you drink clove water for fertility?

Most of the claims about the effects of clove on sexual health and fertility have not been scientifically verified in humans. If you take clove water for fertility for a few months with no results, you should consider seeing your doctor.

6. Can I combine clove with other natural herbs?

Clove can be safely combined with other natural herbs and roots like ginger, garlic and bay leaf. Some people have reported similar efficacy using these combined extracts of clove water and other extracts.

7. Can clove extract cause miscarriage when taken in pregnancy?

Clove is safe during pregnancy. It does not cause miscarriage or abortion when taken during pregnancy. However, when combined with other herbal products of unknown constituents, it can be risky to take during pregnancy.

8. Can I apply clove directly to my vagina?

It is not safe to apply clove directly to your vagina. Only creams medically approved for vagina use can be applied directly to it. Herbs and concoctions must not be inserted into the vagina.

Final words

Drinking clove water has been reported to be efficacious in the treatment of sexual health and fertility problems. Many of these claims are unfounded, however, some people have reported the usefulness of clove in treating these conditions.

It is important to see the doctor when you are having problems with sexual dysfunction or infertility. Some people, however, try alternative treatments like herbal extracts and essential oils for remedy.

If you try alternative medicines like drinking clove water or using clove oil, it is important to see the doctor if symptoms develop or if you notice unusual reactions.

Prosper Yole is a medical doctor, a seasoned writer and passionate blogger. He is the founder of With many years of trials, failure, and near successes in areas of relationship, health, business & entrepreneurship, personal development, and content writing, he creates quality content that resonates well with his audience across the entire internet.

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