7 Simple Tips To Look More Attractive In Your Clothes (Guys)

Looking good is good business but you don't need to have millions before you look attractive.

Tips to look more attractive in your clothes as a guy

Looking good is everyone’s business, whether guys or ladies but while most ladies prioritize their beauty, many guys have not yet realized the importance of looking more attractive on a daily basis.

Many guys struggle with how they can prop up their dress sense to look more attractive daily but these simple tips here would bring out the inner attraction in you.

It doesn’t matter your natural look. Your height, colour, and complexion do not matter either.

Even if you have only a few clothes to change into all week long, you don’t need to have the most exotic clothes to look attractive. And if you are on a budget, NuelCraft can offer you cool clothes at a very affordable cost. They also sew new clothes if you prefer custom-made attires.

In this post, you will see 7 simple and effective tips on how you can make your clothes look more attractive every day as a guy. But shortly before that, let’s consider some benefits of looking your best every day.

Benefits of looking attractive daily

You are addressed by how you dress. This goes on in every area or aspect of your life as long as you are coming in contact with people daily. Hence, it becomes highly beneficial to be committed to dressing at your best to look good daily.

  1. You attract people’s attention.
  2. People trust you more when you look good and attractive.
  3. You avoid being tagged as unserious and careless.
  4. It boosts your self-confidence and self-esteem.
  5. Looking good boosts your social class even if you are not among the wealthiest group.

The list is endless. You can go on and on. However surprisingly, you don’t need to have all the money or all the clothes and jewellery in the world to look good as a guy. It all boils down to these simple tips I am about to show you.

Tips on How to Look More Attractive as a Guy

Looking more attractive when you dress up as a guy requires a number of things. From your understanding of the occasion to learning about colours, and regularly washing your wears, looking good is a deliberate act.

Here are some of the best unsaid tips on how to look more attractive in your clothes.

1. Understand the occasion

Every occasion deserves a special look. The first tip for looking at your best is to understand the occasion and dress for it.

Choose your dressing carefully. And avoid wearing a piece of shirt or trousers simply because it is the only available one left. That means you should plan for the occasion ahead of time.

Again, you can get some decent clothes from your local clothes shop even if you are on a budget. And if you like Nigerian custom native attires, I recommend NuelCraft. They can deliver you specially-made clothes at an affordable price.

There are special places where you can find affordable clothes of good quality. Looking good is good business. Do your best to get clothes that look good on you even if you don’t have enough money to buy expensive designers.

2. Learn colour-blocking

Colour-blocking, also known as colour-matching, is a method of choosing and matching colours that complement each other in the colour wheel.

Ladies generally learn and adopt colour-blocking to look aesthetically attractive to guys and fellow ladies, but this concept can also be applied by guys to look more attractive.

As a lady, you can wear up to three colours on your body with two or more bright colours but this is different for guys. You are generally recommended to wear two colours at most containing one bright colour at most.

How to look more attractive guy - complementary color wheel
Credit: Christopher Kerry, CopicMarkersTuturials.com

Aside from that tip on combining colours, here are some colour-blocking tips to make you look more presentable as a guy.

  • Contrast a dull colour on your shorts or trousers with a complementary bright colour on your top. Don’t do it the other way around, and avoid two bright non-complementary colours.
  • Match your belt colour with your shoes.
  • Match a solid-colour tie with your trouser colour if it is also a solid colour. If your tie is patterned or vintage, match the dominant colour with your trouser colour while your top has a complementary light colour.
  • Contrast your tie colour against your shirt. If your shirt is dark, wear a lighter colour tie and vice-versa.
  • If you are wearing a jacket, match the colour with your trousers.
  • Your trouser colour doesn’t need to exactly match any other colour on you as long as it is a dark/dull colour. If it is a light colour, match it with your shirt, or wear a plain white shirt.
  • A pair of black trousers can go with any other colour. Feel free to wear any shirt on it but the shirt should match or contrast the tie, as mentioned, if you need to wear a tie.

While there is no hard and fast rule to fashion and colour combination, these simple tips can totally revolutionize how you look from now on.

3. Choose your looks every day

This is probably one tip most people don’t know about. Every day is different, just like every occasion is different. Choose a look that matches the atmosphere and the environment that day.

It sounds like an easy thing to do but it can be hard to do, especially if you are new to it. However, the basic principle involves the same idea of colour-matching and contrasting.

If the weather is bright, like a sunny morning, wearing a natural colour like green, blue, or white makes you blend in and in sync with the weather. Darker/duller colours on a bright day make you look less confident.

On the other hand, brighter colours are preferred in dull weather. The idea is that you want to create a balance of being natural, more mature, and confident. This is what the human eye loves the most and that’s what makes you more attractive.

Being too sharp or too dull makes you less attractive. Striking a balance and blending with the environment is what truly makes you stand out. In summary, be committed to looking at your best every single day

4. Invent your own style

There are a lot of fashion trends out there but not all of them suit you and your personality. Make conscious efforts to define your own style and be consistent with it.

For example, I personally like block colours in my tie and trousers, and plain simple-striped tops when I am on corporate. Some people personally prefer striped trousers and vintage ties. Know what resonates with your inner personality and stick to it.

That does not mean you should not be flexible about the kind of clothes you wear. Wear casual jeans and T-shirts, also wear other attires in your local culture, but deliberately choose your specific style when you do.

5. Wear confidence and a smile

Being confident and cheerful makes you more attractive in your clothes. It adds another touch to your dressing.

No matter how good your clothes might look, a lack of confidence and not being cheerful can weather down the beauty. Thus, you must deliberately maintain confidence while being willing to beam out a smile when necessary.

One of the major reasons why people lack confidence in their dressing and how they look is that they are often caught thinking their clothes are not good enough. It is important to assure yourself that you are worth more than any clothes you will ever put on. It is that essence of confidence that makes it attractive not just its inherent value.

6. Ask your mirror or someone else before stepping out

There are some subtle flaws you could miss out on if you don’t ask your mirror or someone else. I had once discovered that I was wearing my belt on looking at the mirror just before I left.

Looking at the mirror before you step out also assures you that everything is okay. This can add to your confidence throughout the entire day.

Sometimes ignorance helps in terms of confidence too. A dressing flaw you don’t know about does not impact you as much as another little mistake you are aware of.

Hence, it is important to ask someone else about how you look so as to help you detect anything you have missed out. You don’t necessarily have to stick to their suggestion always but it can guide you on what to fix. If you need to dismiss their suggestion, do that politely so they can willingly help you next time.

7. Keep yourself neat

Keeping yourself clean and neat adds another layer of prestige to your looks. Make conscious efforts to stay neat all day long.

Wash your shirt after every use and if you need to wear it more than once each week, wash and iron it in between. You don’t need to have all the clothes in the world to look presentable each day.

Keeping your clothes clean also helps reduce offensive body odours that can reduce your confidence and affect people’s interaction with you. No one wants to hang out with a smelly person.

Also, keeping your clothes wrinkle-free makes you look more presentable. Avoid folding clothes too much, especially those that can easily wrinkle. Instead, hang your clothes in your wardrobe using cloth hangers.

Other things that can enhance your attractiveness as a guy

The simple tips to look more attractive as a guy (discussed above) seem too easy but not very many people know about them. I hope you learned one or two things from them.

There are other things that can enhance your attractiveness and looks as a guy aside from your clothes.

  1. Wear a deodorant to keep your smell good. A body spray and perfume can improve your dress confidence and make people more attracted to you.
  2. Do physical exercise to keep in shape. Regular exercise enhances your body build and makes you more attractive. You need to build your body otherwise your muscles might keep wasting as you age.
  3. Maintain your hair and beard (grooming): Have a hair or beard style and stick to it. Groom your facial hear regularly to avoid looking unkempt.
  4. Rehydrate regularly: As simple as drinking water is, it can make you appear fresher and more handsome. It is recommended that adults drink up to 3-4 litres of water per day. This helps to keep your body functioning, helps your organs, as well as maintains glowing skin all day.
  5. Apply skin care after each bath: Apply skin lotion after each bath. This helps moisturise your skin and keep it healthy. Healthy skin adds to your overall look and appearance.
  6. Add in some accessories: Accessories like sunglasses, bracelets, wristwatches, and chains can add up to make you look more attractive. You should, however, stick to your personal preferences when choosing which accessories to wear.

There are many fashion rules you may have heard about elsewhere but these are simple tips that can instantly revolutionize how you look in your clothes every day.

You don’t need to have all the money in the world to look good. Simple things like understanding colours, being confident, and keeping your clothes clean can instantly change the way you look and feel as a guy.

Prosper Yole is a medical doctor, a seasoned writer and passionate blogger. He is the founder of Knowseeker.com. With many years of trials, failure, and near successes in areas of relationship, health, business & entrepreneurship, personal development, and content writing, he creates quality content that resonates well with his audience across the entire internet.

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