6 Common Reasons Why Men Cheat And How To Avoid

Here are some plausible reasons why men cheat, as well as some ways to prevent them.

Why do men cheat?
A cheating man

Have you ever wondered why men cheat? In an earlier post, I highlighted some plausible reasons why some men cannot stick to one wife.

Now, I want to show you some hidden reasons why men cheat. This is for your enlightenment, and to show women what they can do to help their men be more like them.

It’s no news that men cheat more than women. Whether a society favors men doing so more or not, there are some innate drives that make men cheat more than women.

Have you seen a man who was not known to be a cheat, and who was committed to being faithful, then all of a sudden he changed and started cheating on his partner? The reasons you will see here will explain some common reasons why men cheat.

1. Sudden sexual freedom and dominance

Girls are trained to accept that guys are dangerous and evil, and should be avoided at all costs. I believe it is to protect the interest of young girls who might not be able to control themselves sexually.

At those young ages, guys are innocent and almost harmless but the fear of older guys extends to them as well. A young boy often expresses pure love to the girls he loves. He may not even be interested in sex at all, but he constantly sees girls running away from him as though he has done anything wrong.

Because of the constant rejection, it seems difficult for the young man to find a woman, such that when he finally learns how to get a girl easily, he feels the need to explore more options, given the freedom and dominance he now has.

2. Men are lovers of variety

The love for variety is one of the major reasons why men cheat. Men are naturally enticed by beautiful things and variety. Even when one is seemingly perfect, they also want to have a taste of another.

Fortunately and unfortunately, women are built to meet this demand by evolving in the quest to look good and different each time. Thanks to make-up and fashion.

Aside from physical variety, men are also fascinated by sexual variety. They want to have a taste of different women to satisfy their sexual desires. Such that, without commitment and dedication to his wife, almost any man could be forced to go down with different women.

3. Men are very emotional

Why do men cheat? Men are very strong to fellow men, but when it comes to a woman, they are one of the weakest and most emotional beings ever. They might try to hide it but I guess that is how nature designed it.

But what does being emotional have to do with cheating? When a man’s wife makes him angry, he is sometimes unable to bottle up his emotions. At such times, going out with another woman becomes the easiest way to control them and stay happy.

Alternatively, he would turn to alcohol, drugs, or just anything else that helps him forget his ordeal with his wife for the sake of his sanity.

4. Men are very covetous

Why would a man cheat when he already has a good and beautiful woman in the home if he is not covetous? Men like to hone the best women. They try to look for the most beautiful woman, and if it were possible to have all the beautiful girls, many of them would do it.

5. It makes them feel powerful

Another reason why men cheat is that doing so can make them derive some sense of strength and power about being able to possess several women. To men who cheat, women are a possession that only the powerful can easily possess.

Cheating easily with several women can also mean that the man is among the wealthiest people who can afford to spend money, buy gifts, and please several women together. Many of these reasons why men cheat are absurd but it is what it is.

6. To get back at a woman or revenge

This is one of the most common reasons why men cheat on their wives after marriage. It is due to a man’s desire to enjoy the things he missed when his wife was busy enjoying her life to her fullest before they got married.

A man who was chaste during his youthful days always expects his wife to have led a similar life too. Such men prefer their one and only woman to be a virgin, if for nothing else.

And if for any reason they ended up marrying someone who lived her life less carefully than him, he might be tempted to get back what his wife enjoyed back then in the name of his playing his own turn.

Another common scenario is if the woman lied to her about keeping her virginity but he later found out after marriage that she was not. This can be so upsetting to some men that if they don’t end the marriage, the man might start cheating on his wife even if he never cheated on her before.

There is no excuse for cheating

While all of the reasons discussed above why men cheat look plausible, there is no excuse for cheating. Cheating is a sign of dissatisfaction and lack of commitment. Every man must do their best to avoid it.

Cheating on your wife brings so many problems. It can make you lose interest in your wife and lose your attention to your family. The marriage can crash as a result of cheating. There is a chance of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, and lastly, it will make you poorer.

Cheating with other women means you also have to spend money on them. Also, if you are scared to share the information with your wife, someone can use it to blackmail you for your money.

With the myriad of reasons why you should not cheat, it is only logical to show you, at this point, some ways to avoid cheating on your wife as a man.

How To Avoid Cheating as a Man

A cheating man caught in the act
A cheating man getting caught

1. Marry your spec

To avoid cheating, look for the most appealing features in a woman before you marry her. No woman has it all but at least there are some features you value the most. They are best known to you, so I won’t emphasize any here.

2. Marry right

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. While this statement partly describes the ‘marry your spec’ point I briefly discussed above, it also means beauty is not all about physical attributes. Also consider other qualities like character, values, ideologies, and core beliefs to see if she aligns well with you before marrying someone.

3. Anchor your beliefs

Whenever you leave your beliefs hanging on nothing, anyone or any situation can lure you to compromise. This is why you must anchor your beliefs in not cheating on your wife on something you hold dear. Most people anchor their belief in being faithful to their religious faith which might preach firmly against cheating.

4. Stay committed

Commitment is the one that is stronger than love and feelings. When love fades, when your wife begins to look less attractive, focus on the things that matter most. Think about the old days and how much you love her. Keep reminding yourself of that, as well as your commitment to her.

5. Talk more with your wife

The best way to overcome the seduction of the most alluring women out there is to share it with the woman you love. She will tell you what to do to overcome the temptations, and also find ways to comfort and satisfy you better so you won’t see a need to think outside her.

6. Close your eyes and walk away

As a man, now that you how much covetousness and love of variety you have, it is time to keep yourself in check. The best way to do that is to avoid staring at a seductive woman longer than you should. Turn your head away at the sight of a woman who could make you cheat. Think about your wife, and tell yourself that she is the best thing you could ever have.

7. Go home to meet her

Being away from home can sometimes make a man find other women attractive as her wife is not with her to satisfy his physical desires. When you feel like expressing love and getting passionate but you are away from your wife, finish up what you are doing, then go to her at home.

Men cheat more than women because society outrightly condemns cheating among married women but is not so firm about it for their male counterparts.

No, it is not right for a man to cheat. Cheating brings many problems to a man and his family. There is also a risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections and transferring them to your innocent partner.

Being very emotional has a role to play in why men cheat. Men are very emotional beings when they get insults from a woman they love. It can feel particularly heartbreaking. Society teaches men to be strong and be able to bottle up any insult they receive because inherently men are emotionally very weak.

There is no best way to avoid cheating on your wife but some useful suggestions include staying committed, anchoring your beliefs, confiding in your wife, and marrying right.

As a woman, you can help your husband not to cheat by looking good always, giving him a sense of variety in you, giving him peace in the home, and trusting him. Trusting him makes him act more trustworthy even when you are not there.

Prosper Yole is a medical doctor, a seasoned writer and passionate blogger. He is the founder of Knowseeker.com. With many years of trials, failure, and near successes in areas of relationship, health, business & entrepreneurship, personal development, and content writing, he creates quality content that resonates well with his audience across the entire internet.

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