50 Hilarious Disappointment Memes That Are Way Too Relatable

Looking for hilarious and relatable memes to express your disappointment? Check out these 50 funny disappointment memes that perfectly capture those frustrating moments. Here's for a good laugh!

Whether you are looking for disappointment memes to post on your social media feed, or you just want to get some laughs yourself, I will be showing you these 50 funny disappointment memes that have once captured the internet’s attention and still doing so today.

A disappointment meme is any media, especially an image or a gif that contains text or pictures expressing disappointment in a relatable manner that makes them go viral over the internet. Like other memes, disappointment memes elicit humor and stimulate other users to engage, comment, or share it.

Here, I will be showing you some ‘disappointment memes’ you should see today.

50 Funny Disappointments Memes For You

Whether you are having a disappointing day or you just want to express your disappointments hilariously, these disappointment memes will cheer you up and make your day.

1. They said I could be anything. So, I became a disappointment.

Disappointment memes
Source: Reddit

Sometimes, we get disappointed in the process of becoming who we want to be. You are not alone. Every one of us has had an experience when we can personally attest to our disappointing acts.

2. I’m so disappointed. I’m so speechless.

Disappointment memes
Source: 2006Paul

This meme of a disappointed Pakistani once broke the internet and it can still fly if posted on any of the popular social media today. Sometimes, people may disappoint you to the point you don’t even know how to respond.

3. I wanted coffee. They delivered decaf again.

Disappointment memes
Source: MemeCentre

There is nothing more disappointing than getting what you didn’t ask for instead of what you wanted. Life is full of such surprises and disappointments but you must learn to turn situations around and stay happy.

4. When you realize who is playing today’s match vs what you expected.

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Has your team ever shown you losing streaks before, and again, there is yet another match? It is heartbreaking when you are excited to watch the next match and then you realize it’s your team yet again.

5. Not everyone has the same heart as you.

Disappointment memes
Source: OnSizzle.com

You will be very disappointed to think that people will be as good to you as you are to them. Welcome to a world where full of betrayal.

6. What I ordered vs what I got.

Disappointment memes
Source: Daily Sun

This meme and other similar variants of it went viral over the internet at some point. This goes on to demonstrate how many people have become disappointed at least once, to find out that the product delivered is different and inferior to the product displayed during purchase.

7. Disappointment when you post your first meme on Reddit but misspell a word.

Disappointment memes
Source: Reddit

You may have roasted other people only to post your first meme and you misspelled a word. Now you are so disappointed you want to go back to Nepal where you intend to live as a goat.

8. Disappointed because I expected more from you.

Disappointment memes
Source: Me.me

The more you expect, the more disappointed you can possibly be.

9. My face when I still have enough money in the middle of the month.

Disappointment memes
Source: Me.me

It is the middle of the month and you still have money in your account. That is strange but you are even more disappointed when you remind yourself that the money is still available because it is not yours.

10. I’m disappointed but never mind.

Disappointment memes
Credits: Jerry Richardson

When disappointment is someone you can engage in combat with, you just dump your tears where you should and move on with your life.

11. It won’t feel strange if you have always been a disappointment.

Disappointment memes
Source: KnowYourMeme.com

This means two things; First, if your act disappoints your family, it means you have been making them proud and they have expectations from you. The funny meaning is that I shouldn’t worry about disappointing them if my entire life has been a disappointment.

You also need to remember that in the path to success, it is normal to encounter disappointments and failure.

12. Disappointment when I thought that was a hot chick.

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Some everyday things can turn out to be very disappointing. When you thought you’ve finally met your girlfriend, he turned out to be a man dressed as a woman. So disappointing!

13. I did the exact same thing. Why is mine not trending?

Disappointment memes
Source: MemeCenter.com

Nothing can be more disappointing than doing the same thing with someone else and theirs gets the attention while yours is not seen at all. I can relate.

14. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

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Source: MemeDroid.com

Disappointing situations like this are common but you must learn to move on from rejection.

15. Life has wounded me so much.

Disappointment memes
Source: Relatably.com

I can’t say life is not good but then, it has wounded me so much that I don’t know what to say now. But I’d still choose to believe that life is good.

16. All my life I thought air was free. It turns out I was wrong.

Disappointment memes
Source: MemeCenter.com

When I thought that air was free, I was disappointed to find more air in the bag of chips than the chips itself. So disappointing.

17. Everyone has a plan until life punches you in the face.

Disappointment memes
Source: ImgFlip

Disappointments knock out the sense of direction from us when they hit. This is why you must have alternative plans at all times.

18. A graph of disappointment against the number of days on earth.

Disappointment memes
Source: Iinstagram @420beatsperminute

Disappointment rises with each day you spend on the surface of the earth. We only learn to handle it differently, otherwise, one could easily give in.

19. Heartbroken again but here is my consolation.

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Source: Pixabay, Legit.ng

I will allow you to caption this yourself.

20. Being honest when they ask me how life is going.

Disappointment memes
Source: SheIdeas.com

Life is beautiful. I can’t complain. But when you get a chance to hear the truth, it’s not what I claim it to be.

21. I’m doomed. When I thought she was the perfect one.

Disappointment memes
Source: Facebook @IDreamedAMeme

When I thought she was the perfect one, she committed the most unforgivable atrocity.

22. You were honestly telling them how expensive they are until this moment.

Disappointment memes
Source: Pinterest

After bragging about how much you spent to get the gifts, the truth came out in a very disappointing way.

23. I’m hungrier than that stupid cat.

Disappointment memes
Source: Reddit

You give the food that was meant for me to that stupid cat. It is so disappointing when I see some animals on social media living better than me, a whole human.

24. Hard work pays but mine doesn’t.

Disappointment memes
Source: Reddit

We all experience this. I guess you can relate too. Still, we keep grinding.

25. Raised my hopes only to shatter them again.

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If the leaves also disappoint, why should I be so surprised when people disappoint me too? There is disappointment everywhere for real.

26. How she looks on Instagram vs reality

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Source: Genmice.com

To reduce your disappointment, never believe anything you see on social media.

27. The more I try, the more weight I gain.

Disappointment memes
Source: YouTube @Alun Edwards

There is nothing I have not tried. So, I decided to give up trying to lose weight.

28. After all I said to you…

Disappointment memes
Source: MemeCenter.com

After everything I said to you, you still disappointed me.

29. Don’t feel bad. I even disappoint myself too.

Disappointment memes
Source: Everywishes.com

You will start getting disappointed in yourself by 5 am but for now, you think you are doing something great.

30. I can be so disappointed I sometimes wish not to remember

Disappointment memes
Source: Me.me

If sleep is how I can forget the disappointment, I sometimes wish to keep sleeping without waking up to face reality once again.

31. You are a funny dumb cat.

Disappointment memes
Source: Me.me

I am highly disappointed.

32. Never give up, no matter what!

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Disappointments are not the end of life. Fall seven times, stand up eight.

33. I am so sad and disappointed. Here is how I feel.

Disappointment memes
Source: Makeameme.org

Sometimes, this is how sad and disappointed I am.

34. What I thought I saw vs what I actually saw.

Disappointment memes
Source: Reddit

Grian is a Minecraft YouTuber who posts videos of Minecraft house-building tutorials. However, Grian’s works are so good you begin to feel disappointed in yourself and whatever you have ever built before.

35. Food smells nice but tastes horrible. Uggh!

Disappointment memes

Nothing compares to this disappointment.

36. I’m disappointed in whoever marked the scripts.

Disappointment memes

This is the same disappointment that prevents me from bragging too much immediately after a test. I wait for the results because they can be very disappointing.

37. After all I did, is this how you pay me?

Disappointment memes
Source: OnSizzle

The first impression matters. That first question threw me off balance from the very start.

38. Revision failed me. What more could I have done?

Disappointment memes
Source: Me.me

Disappointment doesn’t cease to come. I tried to evade failure but I was disappointed yet again.

39. I feel like my parents don’t appreciate me enough.

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I am not such a disappointment as my parents often think of me.

40. I fought, I lost, now I rest. Haha

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Even though I am disappointed, I realize I did my best. So, I just rest.

41. After all the money I put into crypto, it still ended up dipping.

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If you have been there, you can relate.

42. When mummy wants the pawpaw but you ate it 2 hrs ago.

Disappointment memes
Source: Picssmine.com

You say what? That shit has digested.

43. I’m in tears. Is this what I get? I don’t deserve this.

Disappointment memes
I don’t deserve this painful disappointment.

44. I expected nothing from you but I am still disappointed.

Disappointment memes
Source: Pinterest

How do you feel when disappointment keeps chasing you even when you never expected anything much?

45. I’m extremely disappointed in you. You didn’t return with candy.

Disappointment memes
Such a sweet cat expressing his disappointment.

46. You offered me premium disappointment I couldn’t get anywhere else.

Disappointment memes
Source: Relatably.com

I can’t be more disappointed than this.

47. After wasting our time and “waiting”…

Disappointment memes
Source: Pinterest

What can be more disappointing?

48. I’m highly disappointed. Now is not the time to be an adult.

Disappointment memes
Source: Cosmopolitan

You will come back to the lifestyle. Don’t be disappointed when that happens.

49. I’m so disappointed in you but we can’t hit a woman.

Disappointment memes
Source: Reddit

How can I be this disappointed in you? But never hit a woman.

50. I was told there would be Lambos. I didn’t even get a toy car.

Disappointment memes
Source: Medium

This was not what they told me.

How To Turn Your Daily Disappointment into a Meme

Think about the disappointments you go through every day and the ones you are probably going through right now. You realize that disappointments are part of life. However, you need to take them less seriously and not allow them to destroy your mood and emotions.

Instead of crying too long over a disappointment, look at the bright side of life and turn it into a meme. Any funny disappointment meme like the ones above could suit your current disappointment experience. Simply caption it on the picture and you will be amazed at how many people would relate to it on social media.

In all you go through, stay happy. I understand that life can be very disappointing but you need to preserve your happiness. Rather than cry over disappointments, turn them into a meme and laugh over them.

Tips on How To Handle Disappointments

If you are being faced with disappointment and you are looking for ways to cope, here are some tips that might help:

  1. Get some rest and sleep.
  2. Find things you love doing and engage in them.
  3. Hang out with people you care about.
  4. Think about the hidden blessings in the disappointment.
  5. Try again! There is always another chance.
  6. Learn to do things differently. You won’t achieve a different result doing the same things.
  7. Believe in yourself that you can make it.
  8. Take away your attention from people who bring you negativity.
  9. Ward off idle thoughts; instead think creatively.
  10. Realize that you are not alone. Disappointments happen to every one of us but they don’t mean the end of life.

Final words

I hope you enjoyed the funny and relatable disappointment memes in this post. We all experience disappointment in one way or another, and we can expect to keep having disappointing experiences but it is important to stay happy, always look at the bright side of things, and move on quickly.

Which of these disappointment memes is most relatable to you? Share with us in the comments below.

Prosper Yole is a medical doctor, a seasoned writer and passionate blogger. He is the founder of Knowseeker.com. With many years of trials, failure, and near successes in areas of relationship, health, business & entrepreneurship, personal development, and content writing, he creates quality content that resonates well with his audience across the entire internet.

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