5 Common Reasons Why You Hate The Way You Look

Do you always hate the way you look? Here are common reasons why you do and how you can get over it easily.

I hate my look
Man feeling acne in front of the mirror // iStockphotos

Do you often hate the way you look in pictures? I often see people who hate their looks and are ashamed to post their pictures on social media. Statistics seem to agree too.

Statistics show that most adults (61%) and children (66%) in the UK feel ‘negative’ or ‘very negative’ about their looks most of the time. About 71% of respondents with a disability reported feeling ‘negative’ or ‘very negative’ about their body image most of the time. While 62% of women think ‘negative’ about their body image most of the time, compared to 53% of men.[1]Body Image Survey Results – Women and Equalities – House of Commons UK.

The facts show that hating the way one looks is not something uncommon. Every day we find someone who expresses their dissatisfaction with their body image. And if you are one of such, I need you to know that you are not alone.

Understanding the reasons why you hate your own looks and body image can help you deal with it and love yourself. Here is why this post is going to be truly valuable to the reader if you find that you always don’t like the way you look.

Why People Hate The Way They Look

The central reasons why people hate the way they look border their measurement of themselves against societal standards or those of other people. It is generally a reflection of their inability to look at their inner self beyond their physical looks.

We have a preconceived idea about beauty and good looks, and we also realize the attractive force beauty exerts on other people. This makes people wish to attain the general standards of beauty set by society.

However, this standard is often unrealistic because we cannot all look the same way, and we are beautiful in our own ways. The idea behind this is that when you compare yourself with others, you will eventually realize hidden flaws in your body you wish to change.

Reasons You Hate How You Look

I have mentioned the general ideas behind why most people hate the way they look. Here, I will be discussing specific reasons why you may hate the way you look.

1. Unhealthy comparison

Comparing yourself with other people is one reason why you hate the way you look. You probably think of it as a competition for the most beautiful or handsome person on the planet. Only that no one actually cares if you don’t.

You often begin to realize your perceived flaws when you begin to compare yourself to other people. But you forget that no one is perfect, not even in terms of beauty or looks as well. You look more attractive when you embrace your looks, and even the photos won’t lie when you are self-confident.

2. Desire to please other people

What most people don’t know is that you don’t owe anybody an explanation. You cannot please everyone and you don’t need to do so. Accepting yourself comes from the realization that you have to pay less attention to people’s assessment of your looks.

That does not mean you don’t have to dress well and neatly but there are things you cannot change about your body. These are the things you should accept and be proud of because they are your own standards of beauty and perfection.

3. Lack of inner reflection

Sometimes, we forget our inner worth and place too much emphasis on our physical appearance and looks, and this can make you hate your looks.

In reality, there will always be a flaw in your body if you look for it. But when you pay attention to your inner worth, people begin to see your beauty and self-confidence. The summary is that no one will notice any flaws in your looks if you don’t focus on them.

4. Fear of being criticized

The fear of being criticized can make you want to present your most perfect looks at all times. This is one reason why you may hate your looks in the photos or feel too ashamed to post yourself on social media.

5. Desire for perfection

You probably don’t know how many people consider you their standard of beauty but you don’t feel satisfied because you desire perfection. You want to be spotless and angelic, forgetting that you live in an imperfect world.

When you embrace your looks without setting another standard of perfection for yourself, you realize that you are perfect just the way you are. Allowing social media and society to set a naturally unachievable standard of beauty for you is one thing that could make you hate your looks.

Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Simple hatred for one’s look exists at the lower spectrum but this can progress to a psychiatric disorder known as body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) also known as body dysmorphia, or ‘dysmorphophobia’. Body dysmorphic disorder is a mental health condition where one is preoccupied with thoughts about one or more perceived defects or flaws in one’s appearance–a flaw that cannot be appreciated by others.[2]Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

These intense thoughts on one’s appearance and body image make one repeatedly check the mirror, engage in constant grooming, and seek reassurance to the contrary. This preoccupation may begin to affect the sufferer’s productivity and can cause significant distress to the patient.

If you always hate the way you do, it could be a pointer to this disorder. Another way to confirm the presence of this disorder is that the sufferer may seek out numerous cosmetic procedures to try to fix the perceived flaw(s) and keep on doing so when they realize their interventions did not offer a lasting solution to the perceived flaw.

BDD can have all the above signs discussed previously, including unnecessary comparisons, a belief that others take special notice of your appearance in a negative way, perfectionistic tendencies, and an attempt to hide the perceived defect, which can make the sufferer avoid social situations and social media appearances.

What Can You Do If You Hate Your Looks?

It is okay to occasionally be unsatisfied with your looks, particularly when you can obviously see that you are unkempt. In this case, you need to get a good bath, go for a shave, change your clothes, and so on.

However, when this self-hatred becomes fairly constant and continuous, you may need to look for ways to overcome this feeling.

  1. Learn to accept yourself for who you are.
  2. Stop comparing yourself to other people.
  3. Recognize that you are worth more than your looks.
  4. See a doctor if the symptoms are close to being BDD.

Here is a video of a woman who has overcome the feeling of hatred for how she looks. This video is recommended for you if you hate the way you look, if you feel ugly, or if you are always tempted to compare yourself to other people.


Important Things to Note About Your Looks

No matter how you think you look, you should learn to love yourself like that because you are beautiful just the way you are. There are things you can change, for example, your dressing and personal hygiene.

While there are others you cannot change. Any attempt to change such things might result in irreversible damage to your body. Instead, learn to love yourself and not judge yourself unnecessarily.

Here are some other important things to know about your looks.

  • People might hate you, shame you, or bully you because of your looks but you are perfect just the way you are. When you accept yourself, they will learn to accept you too.
  • Don’t place your self-worth on your looks alone. Even if acne floods your face, your confidence should not be tied to just your facial looks.
  • Don’t let people judge you into believing you are ugly. Even as the most beautiful or handsome person, you can be made to think otherwise if you believe other people’s assessment of you.
  • Don’t let anyone use your looks against you. Don’t condemn your looks by yourself either. Love yourself. Love your looks. And even if there are any perceived ‘imperfections’, remember that none of those define how beautiful you truly are.

Prosper Yole is a medical doctor, a seasoned writer and passionate blogger. He is the founder of Knowseeker.com. With many years of trials, failure, and near successes in areas of relationship, health, business & entrepreneurship, personal development, and content writing, he creates quality content that resonates well with his audience across the entire internet.

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