What causes white vaginal discharge during and after sex?

Is white vaginal discharge during and after sex normal? What are the causes of normal and abnormal whitish vaginal discharge?

Recently, I got asked by someone what it means to notice whitish vagina discharge after sex. She noticed this white discharge from her vagina each time she had sex with her partner and she was getting worried if that could be a problem.

On further inquiries, she added that she does not experience any symptoms (no pain, itching, or fever, and discharge is not sticky or foul-smelling) but it was her first sexual experience and this may have added to her anxiety.

Is a whitish vaginal discharge during and after sex abnormal? What are the causes of whitish vaginal discharge? Should you be worried when you experience it?

Here, you will see when whitish vaginal discharge can be considered normal and when it is abnormal, and what to do when it it abnormal.

Normal vaginal discharge during sex

White discharge from the vagina during and after sex can be normal if there are no other symptoms as mentioned above. This discharge is due to the secretions from the vagina as well as semen when the man ejaculates into the woman’s genital tract.

During normal sex, cervical mucus/secretions are produced by the vagina mucosa/lining to help lubricate the tract for easy penetration and sexual intercourse. The cervical mucus is clear-whitish, transparent, and stretchable secretions similar in consistency to saliva or raw egg white. It may be thick or thin depending on the ovulation period.

Semen also forms a proportion of the fluid in a woman’s vagina during and after sex. It is composed of sperm and seminal fluid. The seminal fluid is similar to the vagina secretions but has a more acidic pH, but when mixed with sperm, semen is usually whitish in colour and the consistency is very thick but not stretchable. The colour may change to dull white or brown when exposed to air for some time.

This normal whitish discharge may be observed coming out of the vagina during or shortly after sex. It is normal if;

  • it is not itchy or burning
  • it is not milky-white
  • it is not foul-smelling
  • it does not form clumps or lumps, and
  • you stop noticing it shortly after sex.

Causes of abnormal vaginal discharge during and after sex

Whitish vaginal discharge can be considered abnormal if it does not meet the above criteria. Here are some disease conditions where vaginal discharge during and after sex can be considered abnormal.

1. Vaginal candidiasis

Candidiasis is a condition where there is an overgrowth of Candida albicans in the vagina. This fungi is normally present in the vagina but when it overgrows beyond the normal amount, it it referred to as candidiasis.

Candidiasis presents with itchy, whitish vaginal discharge which can occur during and after sex, but it is commonly noticed before or without sexual intercourse. Candidiasis is not a severe infection, and apart from the itchiness and discomfort it may cause, it does not cause any severe illness.

Candidiasis usually develops when there is an impairment of the body’s immune system or local immune function of the vagina canal. The vagina has a balance of normal bacteria called normal flora which help to antagonize fungal overgrowth.

In cases where the immune system is compromised, cases of antibacterial antibiotics abuse, or douching or overwashing of the vagina, the balance may be tipped and candida overgrowth can occur.

2. Bacteria vaginosis

In slight contrast to candidiasis, bacteria vaginosis is a condition when there is bacterial overgrowth in the vagina. The balance between candida and normal bacteria flora is altered in favour of bacteria.

Bacteria vaginosis is a more severe condition. It presents with foul-smelling (fishy smell) vaginal discharge, often discoloured, off-white or grey, and itchy or burning. This requires prompt identification and early treatment because it stands a risk of ascending to involve the cervix, the womb(uterus) and other parts of the female reproductive tract.

Treatment of bacterial vaginosis is by use of antibiotics. It is best to see a doctor when you experience a type of vaginal discharge resembling that of bacteria vaginosis, to prevent more severe complications later on.

It is possible to have vaginal candidiasis and bacteria vaginosis without sexual intercourse.

3. Other sexually transmitted infections

Other STIs like chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, and syphillis can cause vaginal discharge at any time in a woman, or during and after sex.

Vaginal discharge from these conditions may be white but are usually discoloured.

Chlamydia infection produces a yellow-white itchy and foul-smelling vaginal discharge.

Gonorrhea may be without symptoms but can present with white copious itchy or burning discharge.

Vaginal discharge in trichomoniasis is greenish, yellowish, white or clear, and has a fish smell, with associated itching, burning, vaginal redness or discomfort.

Vaginal discharge from these infections may be associated with other features like fever, abnormal menstrual bleed, low abdominal pain, etc.

It is important to see a doctor when you notice any of the above symptoms. Also, your partner also need to receive the same treatment as you in the case of a sexually transmitted infection.

Other normal causes of whitish vaginal discharge during and after sex

Other causes of normal vaginal discharge during and after sex include the following:

  1. Sexual arousal, and
  2. Normal menstrual cycle.

Sexual arousal in women is usually characterised by uterine contractions, nipple erection, clitoral engorgment, and secretion of watery-mucoid vaginal secretion. Even though the vagina normally secretes mucus, the secretion becomes more copious and watery during arousal to aids penile penetration during sex.

This clear-white secretion of sexual arousal is what makes a woman wet during sexual intercourse. It may be noticed as thin or thick whitish discharge during and after sexual intercourse.

What to do when you notice white vaginal discharge during or after sex

You might get worried when you notice whitish discharge from your vaginal during and after sex, especially if you are new to sexual intercourse. With time, you will be able to known exactly what is normal and what is not.

Also based on the character of the discharge, and the presence or absence of other symptoms, you can be able to tell if the whitish discharge is normal or not. For example, a clear white vaginal discharge occurring during and after sex without any other symptoms like itching, abnormal smell, and burning, is often normal and requires no further actions from you.

In the presence of abnormal features like abdominal pain, itching, burning, abnormal vaginal bleeding, offensive smell, and abnormal colour, you should see a doctor as soon as possible for proper treatment.

Complications of poorly treated vagina infections

Any abnormal discharge from the vagina is often due to vagina or genital tract infections. There are many types, some are sexually-transmitted, others are not.

Most bacterial and sexually transmitted infections of the vagina can cause serious complications. These include the following:

  1. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
  2. Sepsis
  3. Infertility
  4. Abnormal menstruation (heavy and painful)
  5. Uterine infection and adhesion
  6. Complications during pregnancy, affecting unborn child
  7. Miscarriage
  8. Congenital infections, etc.

Prosper Yole is a medical doctor, a seasoned writer and passionate blogger. He is the founder of Knowseeker.com. With many years of trials, failure, and near successes in areas of relationship, health, business & entrepreneurship, personal development, and content writing, he creates quality content that resonates well with his audience across the entire internet.

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