12 Surprising Health Benefits of Sex According to Science

Sex is considered one of the most pleasurable activity known to man, but here are some surprising health benefits of sex you probably didn't know about.

Health benefits of sex
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Sex is one of the most pleasurable activities known to man. While it may be compared to other satisfying activities like listening to music, falling in love, or taking a psychogenic substance, it stands in its own domain as it satisfies the partners’ physical, emotional, psychological, and intimacy needs. In addition, sex has also been shown to have immense health benefits.

Everyone deserves a healthy sexual life due to its benefits to health and general well-being. But sex also poses a risk to harmful outcomes like sexually transmitted infections, unwanted pregnancies, and their associated sequelae, which is why appropriate consent, safety, and having a faithful partner are important. Aside from that, sex has some surprising health benefits.

In this article, we will explore some science-backed health benefits of sex that will leave you in awe.

Health Benefits of Sex

Sex is both a physical, emotional, and spiritual activity because it involves a physical, emotional, and psychic connection between the partners involved. All of these components play a role in its health benefits for men and women as we see below.

1. Improves cardiovascular health

Too frequent sex has been shown to protect women from cardiovascular risks but not men, a national study shows. Sex is a form of mild to moderate physical exercise which like the others, may enhance blood vessel dilatation, improve vascular wall function, and more efficiently provide oxygen to muscles including the heart. However, high-frequency sex is related to increased cardiovascular risk for men but is highly protective for women.[1]Liu H, Waite LJ, Shen S, Wang DH. Is Sex Good for Your Health? A National Study on Partnered Sexuality and Cardiovascular Risk among Older Men and Women. J Health Soc Behav. 2016 Sep;57(3):276-96.

The protective effect of regular sex on cardiovascular health can be linked to the release of eNOS (endothelium-derived Nitric Oxide Synthase), general muscular activity, and its effect on reducing stress and anxiety which also benefits the heart. However, sexual intercourse is also considered a physically and biologically demanding activity and entails moderate stress on the cardiovascular system, perhaps more for men than for women, and quite obvious differences. There are also elevated levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), a marker for systemic inflammation and an important predictor of cardiovascular diseases, during sex.[2]Ibid. Liu et al. J Health Soc Behav. 2016

Hormonal changes during sex also show that sex might be more protective of women than men. Thus, emphasizing that too frequent sex may be related to a higher cardiovascular risk for men, while moderately frequent sexual activity may benefit everyone, but women more.

2. Stress relief

Physical and psychological stress affects all systems of the body in profound ways. Stress is linked with the release of stress hormones including cortisol (the stress hormone), epinephrine, and norepinephrine. These hormones act synergistically to increase heart rate, and blood flow to the muscles, and enhance respiration, and metabolism while impairing relaxing activities like digestion, urination, and sleep.[3]Stress effects on the body – American Psychological Association While these responses may help the body cope with the acute effects of stress, chronic stress may affect the body’s systems in more profound ways.

A good quality sexual relationship may enhance emotional intimacy between partners which has been shown to help reduce stress and promote psychological well-being. Thus, stress relief is an important health benefit of sex to both men and women.[4]Ibid., Liu et al. J Health Soc Behav. 2016

3. Improved quality of sleep

The United States Sleep Foundation has established the relationship between sexual intercourse and quality sleep. After and during sexual intercourse, the body releases hormones like prolactin and oxytocin which have been shown to produce relaxation, enhance sleep, and cancel out the effects of stress and cortisol.[5]The Relationship Between Sex and Sleep – Sleep Foundation[6]Lastella M, O’Mullan C, Paterson JL, Reynolds AC. Sex and Sleep: Perceptions of Sex as a Sleep Promoting Behavior in the General Adult Population. Front Public Health. 2019. This explains why partners may sleep or feel very relaxed immediately after orgasm.

Sleep is a vital aspect of physical health. It promotes immunity and improves memory, weight, the heart, and circulation, among other benefits.[7]About Sleep (Health Benefits of Sleep) – Center for Disease Control Adequate sleep has also been shown to improve sexual performance and satisfaction.[8]The impact of sleep on female sexual response and behavior: a pilot study – PubMed

Thus, adequate and regular sexual intercourse can promote general health and well-being through its impact on improving sleep quality.

4. It improves mood

Regular sex helps reduce stress and improve mood by releasing oxytocin and dopamine, as well as endorphins and serotonin. Elevated levels of these hormones are associated with a happy mood, thus, they are referred to as ‘feel-good’ hormones. This helps reduce the incidence of depression, mood disorders, and other psychiatric conditions linked to lifestyle, drug, or emotional trauma.

5. Improves mental health

Regular sex has been shown to improve mental health among partners. This was established by a study conducted during the COVID-19 lockdown where the incidence of depression and anxiety was lower among people who were sexually active than those who were not.[9]Benefits of Sexual Activity on Psychological, Relational, and Sexual Health During the COVID-19 Breakout. The Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2021 January 01; Vol 18:1.

6. Sex boosts immunity

The general effects of sex on sleep, mood, and stress, may improve the body’s immunity, but in addition, sex may also directly boost immunity. Findings from a study among college students in 2004 showed that the levels of salivary Immunoglobulin A (IgA) were significantly higher in students who were sexually active than those who were not, or who had infrequent sex.[10]Sexual frequency and salivary immunoglobulin A (IgA) – PubMed

IgA is a natural antibody produced on mucosal surfaces in the body. Mucosa typically lines body orifices that have a connection to the exterior, and IgA helps fight against infections entering the body through those orifices, e.g., ears, eyes, nose, and anal opening, thus, contributing to the promotion of the body’s immunity.

7. Confers protection against prostate cancer

According to studies, men who ejaculate more than 20 times per month have a 33% less chance of developing prostate cancer than those who ejaculate 7 times or less per month. This is due to regular voiding of prostatic content and possible removal of other carcinogens likely to induce prostate cancer in men.[11]Rider JR, Wilson KM, Sinnott JA, Kelly RS, Mucci LA, Giovannucci EL. Ejaculation Frequency and Risk of Prostate Cancer: Updated Results with an Additional Decade of Follow-up. European Urology. 2016.

8. Sex relieves menstrual pain

Women who have very painful menstruation could benefit from sexual intercourse or other stimulating activities via the Theo Mei Technique. This is because, during sex or foreplay, there is an elevation of endorphins by the pituitary gland which helps to block or mask pain.[12]Can Sex Reduce Menstrual Cramps? – Sexual Medicine Society of North America (SMSNA)

The Theo Mei technique aims at reducing or eliminating menstrual pain using the body’s hormones; endorphins and oxytocin) without the side effects of analgesic medications. It encourages menstruating women to get multiple self-induced orgasms over specific time intervals to allow the hormones to circulate around the body.[13]Theo Mei Technique (TMT) – A Specific Method Eliminating or Reducing Menstrual PainThe Journal of Sexual Medicine

Penetrating partnered sex during period may be associated with ascending infections and endometriosis[14]Ibid. SMSNA, but with self-induced or partner-stimulated non-penetrative orgasms may help relieve menstrual pains.

9. Easier labor and faster recovery in pregnant women

Regular sexual intercourse during pregnancy close to term has been shown to enhance the process of labor. Sex may induce the onset of labor at term, thereby preventing post-term pregnancy and its complications.[15]The Association of Sexual Intercourse During Pregnancy With Labor Onset – PMC

Some physicians recommend having frequent sexual intercourse near your due date. This aids in the contraction of pelvic muscles and cervical dilatation (opening of the opening of the womb). These effects aid in a vaginal birth, making the labor process smoother and more efficient, which also makes the recovery process after delivery faster.[16]19 Amazing Benefits of Sex During Pregnancy – MedicineNet

10. Beneficial for weight loss

Studies have shown that you can burn approximately 85 to 150 calories in a single sexual encounter, with men losing more calories than women during sex. This is because sex is a physical activity involving energy loss from physical, mental, and metabolic energy requirements. Healthy weight loss interventions are generally beneficial to overall health and well-being, and sex is thus a healthy and pleasurable way to lose body fats and keep fit.

11. Sex reduces the risk of breast cancer

According to a recent study in 2021, sex reduces the risk of breast cancer in women. This is due to the elevated oxytocin production and release during sex. Oxytocin release during sex, nipple stimulation, and lactation, has been shown to cause a significant reduction in cyclical ovarian hormones (estrogen and progesterone). The overall effect of this is a reduction in the risk of developing breast cancer in both pre- and post-menopausal women.[17]The potential for oxytocin (OT) to prevent breast cancer: a hypothesis – PubMed

12. Helps in tissue repair and skin health

According to Dr Melissa Piliang, MD, a dermatologist at the Cleveland Clinic, “Sex increases blood flow to the skin, which will give you a brighter complexion.” This increases cutaneous blood flow and also enhances collagen production in your skin, helping to keep it healthier and more beautiful. Also, the effects of sex in inhibiting cortisol and the stress hormones can help keep the skin more supple and brighter and reduce stress-related aging and wrinkling.

Frequently Asked Questions

The decision to initiate sex should be based on your personal beliefs and values. It is not necessary to start having sex if you have not started engaging in sexual intercourse simply because of the above health benefits of sex. The risks may outweigh the benefits, particularly if you are not yet married, and oftentimes, staying without sex may be more beneficial if you have yet to initiate sex in your life.

Sex when unmarried or without a faithful partner may be associated with emotional, social, and health risks, particularly those associated with STIs, heartbreak, unwanted pregnancies, complications, etc. Thus, sex is not medically and socially recommended for the unmarried, but if you must engage in sexual intercourse, adopt safety precautions to prevent infections and unwanted pregnancies.

Though sex is a cardioprotective exercise for both men and women, too frequent sex may be associated with significant benefits to women's cardiovascular health, but with increased risk of cardiovascular diseases in men. This is because intense physical activity from too frequent sex may pose a level of stress to the cardiovascular system, in addition to elevated levels of C-reactive protein in men.

Final words

This post explores some noteworthy benefits of sex, showing that sex does more than the emotional and psychological effects it is widely known for. If you need any more clarification, let me hear your thoughts in the comments section below.


1 Liu H, Waite LJ, Shen S, Wang DH. Is Sex Good for Your Health? A National Study on Partnered Sexuality and Cardiovascular Risk among Older Men and Women. J Health Soc Behav. 2016 Sep;57(3):276-96.
2 Ibid. Liu et al. J Health Soc Behav. 2016
3 Stress effects on the body – American Psychological Association
4 Ibid., Liu et al. J Health Soc Behav. 2016
5 The Relationship Between Sex and Sleep – Sleep Foundation
6 Lastella M, O’Mullan C, Paterson JL, Reynolds AC. Sex and Sleep: Perceptions of Sex as a Sleep Promoting Behavior in the General Adult Population. Front Public Health. 2019
7 About Sleep (Health Benefits of Sleep) – Center for Disease Control
8 The impact of sleep on female sexual response and behavior: a pilot study – PubMed
9 Benefits of Sexual Activity on Psychological, Relational, and Sexual Health During the COVID-19 Breakout. The Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2021 January 01; Vol 18:1
10 Sexual frequency and salivary immunoglobulin A (IgA) – PubMed
11 Rider JR, Wilson KM, Sinnott JA, Kelly RS, Mucci LA, Giovannucci EL. Ejaculation Frequency and Risk of Prostate Cancer: Updated Results with an Additional Decade of Follow-up. European Urology. 2016
12 Can Sex Reduce Menstrual Cramps? – Sexual Medicine Society of North America (SMSNA)
13 Theo Mei Technique (TMT) – A Specific Method Eliminating or Reducing Menstrual PainThe Journal of Sexual Medicine
14 Ibid. SMSNA
15 The Association of Sexual Intercourse During Pregnancy With Labor Onset – PMC
16 19 Amazing Benefits of Sex During Pregnancy – MedicineNet
17 The potential for oxytocin (OT) to prevent breast cancer: a hypothesis – PubMed

Prosper Yole is a medical doctor, a seasoned writer and passionate blogger. He is the founder of Knowseeker.com. With many years of trials, failure, and near successes in areas of relationship, health, business & entrepreneurship, personal development, and content writing, he creates quality content that resonates well with his audience across the entire internet.

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