5 Most Embarrassing Comments And How To Respond

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What are the most embarrassing comments someone has ever told you? I bet you don’t recall exactly, do you? That’s probably because you chose to forget that embarrassing moment so it won’t continue to demoralize you. Quite a great defence mechanism!

Somehow, we will continue to have people who are too excited to mind their own business. They would accumulate a large amount of venom under their tongue to unleash their extremely toxic words when you least expected it. There is relatively nothing you can do to stop them from striking with embarrassing comments.

Somehow, the toxic behaviour of such people might be related to their own deficiencies. They might feel worthless about themselves, or that you are better than them, and out of their jealousies, try to bring you down to their perceived level. It could also be related to how many toxic comments and expressions they might have received from other people. The more they receive, the more they are likely to give.

However stupid the reasons for which embarrassing comments are made, the effects can be serious on the receiver of such comments. Several support systems are established at the institutional level to deal with embarrassing comments and bullying behaviours because they are capable of affecting one’s mental health.

In most cases, these institutional policies to counteract toxic behaviours and their consequences are not as efficient. Thence, there need to be some responses the individual should be armed with to be able to resist the actions of those bullies who are making embarrassing comments at them.

The 5 Most Embarrassing Comments Categories

Again, what are the most embarrassing comments you can ever receive? You know the things you hate to hear the most, everyone with the special remarks they hate the most. But, you will see the 5 categories where the most embarrassing comments, including your worst, belong.

  1. Comments about body size (height and weight)
  2. Comments about seriousness and focus in your vocation
  3. Comments about how you deal with the opposite sex
  4. Comments about body parts inadequacy
  5. Comments about intelligence

What These Embarrassing Comments Categories Cover & How To Respond To Them

Let’s now see in detail the five categories of the most embarrassing comments. We will also see how you can respond to them so they do not affect you so negatively.

1. Comments About Body Size (height and weight)

Talk of the most annoying comments about body weight and height. Is someone mocking you because your weight is on the high side? That can be very embarrassing and demoralizing.

Weight are height is largely dependent on the genetic makeup of the individual and on the nutritional status of the individual. Some people are genetically determined to be fat or skinny, tall or short. Your diet and lifestyle only help to enhance what your genetics already says.

How do you respond to negative comments about weight and height considering the fact that the most contribution to your body size was genetic? Embarrassing comments about weight and height not only makes the individual feel terrible, but they also make them feel discouraged on the need to make efforts.

If anyone comments negatively about your body size, this is how you should respond.

“If you are taller than me, you are too tall. If you are shorter than me, you are too short. And if you are fatter or slimmer than I am, you are abnormal. I am the perfect definition of perfection”

Such a perfect defence statement, right? I learnt it from someone a couple of years ago and there is nothing false about it because you can only be a better you. You are the standard for yourself.

2. Comments About Seriousness And Focus in Your Vocation

The most annoying thing about judgmental people is that they will never be satisfied with anything you do. People generally never get satisfied with you a 100% but this might then be expressed by the so-called “judgmental people”.

If you are very serious with work, vocation or study, they will say “You are too serious. Why are you making things so serious?” If you are not so serious, they will say “You are too unserious”. You can never entirely please people if you attempt to – the more reason you should stick to being your better or best self each day.

The best response to comments about your seriousness or perceived unseriousness is to keep doing what you are doing. Don’t stop working hard or being serious simply because someone cajoled you for it.

In a case where you think you may not be as serious as required, you can always make efforts to improve. But don’t act simply at face value of what they say about your seriousness because sometimes, their comments are ways to discourage you or try to make you be like them.

3. Comments About How You Deal With The Opposite Sex

Get out, you naive little lizard! Those are the kind of remarks you get from your friends when they think that you are naive when it comes to dealing with the opposite sex or when they think you do not have enough experience with sex.

It is true that there are times when you might not seem to be as experienced as some of your friends in matters of sex and relationships. You fidget uncontrollably at the sight of any beautiful girl you admire or a handsome young man coming your way. Your friends who think they know better, would capitalize on this and make it a subject of mockery but you don’t find it funny, do you?

Some of those friends do not have as much experience in those things as they claim. They try to stimulate you to be wild or at least, slightly more confident in those matters but here is the thing.

There are chances that you are young and focusing on other important aspects of your life and do not want to get sucked up in the fantasies of sex and relationships. There is time for everything and if you think your time is not yet, don’t let anyone push you into what you’d later regret.

When responding verbally to them, make them see that you agree with them emphasizing that you are a novice but that you are okay with that, at least for the time being. There is no need to prove a point to them.

4. Comments About Body Parts Inadequacy

Women are the most affected by these body parts-related comments and sometimes, they come from guys. If anyone says your body is disproportional, inadequate or not good enough, tell them “Thank you. but I love my body the way it is”. The real negativity sets in when you sit down to think about the comments.

Sometimes, you just want to be human. You want to experience the feelings, feel the rage and emotions. Every one of us has had that moment when we “deliberately” allow someone’s comments or actions to get to us. This vulnerability is usually created when we suddenly want the person to see how much destruction they orchestrate each time and how much you have been waging against them ever since.

It might look interesting but opening up this vulnerability can easily tilt you to a depressive state. The feelings can enter deeply into you until they overwhelm you. So, instead of yielding to the pressures to open up, find other ways to diffuse the negative energy. However, begin by telling your adversary that you love yourself the way you and anything different is counterfeit.

5. Comments About Academic Intelligence

I really do not know why the smart ones sometimes bully those who do not know as much as they do. Everyone has their own level of intellectual capacity and negative comparisons are not necessary.

Intelligence is not about the ability to succeed in school alone. It goes beyond that and you should never allow anyone to embarrass you simply because their grades are better than yours.

There is always room to get better, but here is one fact! The most academically intelligent individuals are not the richest in the world, are they? It is what you make out of your little knowledge that counts, not merely the paper grades.

If someone is struggling academically, negative comments will not help them get better. They will only compound the existing problem. Hence, you must open up only to positive remarks that encourage you to do better and disregard negative ones that pull you down.

This is not so easy to do considering that there is only little you can do to stop them from making those embarrassing comments about your academic performance but here is how you can respond. Go ahead, accept the challenge. Read more, find out your deficiencies and work on them and when they mock you at any time, keep silent and think about how you can get better academically, as well as how you can be better tomorrow.

Final words

Embarrassing words about those five domains described in this article can sting really hard but you’ve got to find a way to handle them and keep getting better, instead of letting them get to you so hard. Negative comments do not produce any positive results even if they seem to have some elements of truth. So, your goal is to resist embarrassing comments that seek to sap your confidence from you.

Prosper Yole is a medical doctor, a seasoned writer and passionate blogger. He is the founder of Knowseeker.com. With many years of trials, failure, and near successes in areas of relationship, health, business & entrepreneurship, personal development, and content writing, he creates quality content that resonates well with his audience across the entire internet.

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