Therapeutic Lifestyle Tips on Overcoming Physical Stress

The ability to handle physical stress has benefits both to you and those around you. Thankfully, these lifestyle tips are oftentimes free and available to just anyone.

Therapeutic ways to handle stress
Credits: iStockphotos

Stress is a real thing for everybody who is alive. We work to make ends meet, study to pass examinations, or take action to satisfy our families. But every one of us has a threshold of tolerance beyond which we feel physically stressed.

Have you ever wondered why that one guy/lady keeps on smiling even when everyone else is stressed out? Others are complaining but he/she seems to maintain his energy. I have good news and bad news.

Bad news first, this is not an easy thing to do. Your decision needs to be firm and unwavering in rising above stress. But the good news is, you already have all it takes to be like that smiling guy who looks strong at all times.

Here are some lifestyle tips for overcoming physical stress. Lifestyle, because you are not required to take any medications or energy boosters.

1. Smile more

I told you these are mere lifestyle tips on overcoming stress, right? You don’t need any drugs to smile. Yes, you may need some emotional stimuli to smile (of happiness, or something nice) but not always. I have come to learn that smiling is a choice.

The more you smile, the more your brain releases chemicals that make you truly happy. Science has proven that smiling reduces stress by stimulating the release of special neuropeptides like dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin. These provide you with relief from physical and/or emotional stress.

2. Get rest more often

Many people think it is a crime to get some rest. It is neither a crime nor is it an act of laziness. You need to get some rest when you are beginning to feel tired to avoid becoming extremely exhausted.

If you are involved in a strenuous job, rest often during your working activities. Sit down if you have been standing for long periods. Take a stroll if you have been sitting for so long. These relieve you of stress and enhance blood circulation to all parts of your body.

3. Identify your peak hours

Your peak productivity hours are the best times to work. Peak hours are those periods of the day when your mental productivity is at its peak. It is different for everyone. For some, they are more productive in the early hours, for others they peak later on.

Move your most important and energy-demanding tasks to your peak hours so that you can have enough energy to carry them out without getting physically stressed. It is best to rest when your energy levels are getting low.

4. Ask for help when you need to

I can’t emphasize this more. You need to ask for help when you are finding it difficult to perform a task. Attempting to do something beyond your capacity is like climbing uphill. It can easily get you stressed.

This does not mean you cannot attempt hard tasks by yourself. Stretch yourself a little to improve your own capability, but know when you need to ask for help.

5. Be with those that motivate you

Stress is not just a physical experience, it is also a thing of the mind. You experience stress when both your body and your mind are no longer able to cope with the surrounding.

By being with those that motivate you, your energy level will always stay high even when the work exceeds what you can normally handle on your own.

6. Encourage yourself

Getting encouragement from other people is great but you don’t always others to get encouraged when you can do so yourself. Encouraging yourself means you are conscious about succeeding in what you are presently doing.

One simple way to encourage yourself is by telling yourself that you can do it. Say those words back to yourself, “I can do it”. People who encourage themselves this way often have a higher probability of succeeding at what they do than those who don’t.

7. Learn endurance

We all have different tolerance thresholds. Some people can walk through hot coals without wincing their faces. Others would cry for a tiny pin prick. But anywhere your endurance level currently is, is a good place to start.

You can train yourself to be more resilient. Join the swimming class and learn to hold your breath for a longer time than you could. Sports are some of the best ways to develop your endurance because endurance is part of sports itself.

Yoga and meditation exercises could also help. Learning endurance begins with you first putting your mind to it.

8. Sleep well at night

A good night’s rest is required for adequate performance during the day. It replenishes your mental and physical energy and also rewires your memory networks.

Some people do not understand the importance of getting an adequate night’s sleep. While some people have problems getting good sleep. Whatever the case, sleeping well at night is important in overcoming physical stress the next day.

9. Don’t skip meals too much

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are important in keeping one strong enough to handle stress. It might not always be possible but as much as you can, avoid skipping meals too much.

Eating breakfast helps you stay strong throughout the day, scientific reports have documented. But the energy breakfast provides does not last for the entire day. It only gives your body a headstart for the rest of the day. Hence, you need to take lunch when it’s time.

Midday coffee can also be helpful in replenishing your energy. Importantly, you should note that carbohydrates are the principal sources of energy. You should have more carbohydrates when you still have work to do.

Benefits of handling physical stress effectively

Being able to handle and overcome physical stress is beneficial both to yourself and those around you. Here are some of the benefits of being able to handle physical stress effectively.

1. Prevents depression

Stress management is the number one lifestyle tip for preventing depression and suicide at home and the workplace. By effectively managing stress, you maintain your ability to cope with life without giving up your desire to keep going.

2. Motivates others around you

You might not notice it but when you are able to handle physical stress efficiently well, it motivates others to stay strong. Those smiles in the midst of the apparent stress not only lighten your shoulders, but they also infuse strength into other people.

When you demonstrate the ability to handle pressure and stress, you encourage people and make them feel better too

3. Enables you to succeed

You can easily tell that achieving success does not come so easily. Adequate work is required. Being able to handle and manage physical stress helps you put in the required work without giving up. This enables you to succeed.

4. Relieves your caregivers

If by any chance you have a caregiver who looks after you, could be your parents, guardians, or spouse, managing physical stress effectively helps relieve workload from them. By taking good care of yourself, they don’t feel stressed looking after you. Keeping a cheerful dispensation also brightens their day when they see that you are okay.

5. Sets you apart

Most people won’t be that resilient. If you are among the most resilient, that can set you apart from the crowd. Being special and different is one thing that is important in leadership if you are ever interested in leading people. There are other benefits of being different in a good way, as you can clearly imagine.


Dealing with physical stress primarily involves lifestyle non-drug but therapeutic tips discussed in this article. The ability to handle physical stress has benefits both to you and those around you. Thankfully, these lifestyle tips are oftentimes free and available to just anyone.

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Prosper Yole is a medical doctor, a seasoned writer and passionate blogger. He is the founder of With many years of trials, failure, and near successes in areas of relationship, health, business & entrepreneurship, personal development, and content writing, he creates quality content that resonates well with his audience across the entire internet.

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